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Headteacher's Blog

Here is a round up of our blog posts, keeping you informed about the life and times of Pinner High School.


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  • Highlights Nov/Dec

    Published 08/12/22, by Raj Patel

    Dear Readers
    As the term ends we are delighted to share some more successes and events with you all. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.


    Trip to the Houses of Parliament

    Our Year 12 & 13 Politics students recently had the opportunity to have a tour of the Houses of Parliament on.  They saw the House of Commons in action debating the current workforce crisis in the NHS, and how pharmacists might be deployed in working in the community through diabetes and hypertension clinics.  Following this, a tour of the House of Lords to listen to a lively debate on Carbon Emissions with an emergency tabled issue on Prison Populations. It was great to see Parliament in action. 

    Students were joined by our local MP, David Simmonds, to follow-up questions about how different these two houses were on the day.  Students participated in a workshop looking at how Think Tanks and Pressure Groups work within our democracy to lever influence and generate change.

    All students were a credit to the Pinner High School community and demonstrated the excellent value of responsibility as future voters. 

    Additionally, we received a wonderful email from a member of the public:

    " I would like to congratulate you on the lovely pupils my sister and I met on the Metropolitan Line on Tuesday evening about 8pm. They were on their way back from the House of Commons.I am sorry that I do not have any of their names. A couple of them gave up their seats for us, and we had a great chat with five or six of them. They are a credit to your school and their parents. They will know who they are! "

    Computer Science

    All Year 7 and 8 students and those studying Computer Science in Years 9, 10 and Sixth Form participated in the Bebras Computing Challenge 2022 in November.  Bebras is a challenge which introduces Computational Thinking to students and gets them excited about the world of Computer Science.  Out of the 470 students entered, 29 PHS students were awarded the Gold Award – this is awarded to the top 10% of students nationally!  Outstanding!

    Congratulations to:

    Year 7

    Stefan L

    Mya G

    Thea L

    Aran S

    Isla P

    Kiyan M

    Rylan D

    Emily E

    Year 8

    Woody M-P

    Luqman S

    Ariane VdM

    Keeya P

    Brian N

    Milli M

    Mia D

    Kaylen K

    Faye E




    Year 9

    Ben B


    Jessica S

    Kayden Y

    Sami A

    Roma L

    Atiyah R

    Hari I

    Shriya C

    Gia P

    Mikey S

    Mikael A





    These students have been invited to the Oxford University Computing Challenge which will take place in January 2023!

    Remembrance Sunday poetry competition.

    Our students entered the Mayor of Harrow, Remembrance Sunday poetry competition.

    The below pupils from our school had their poems selected as winners by the panel:

    1. Sofia Amin – Winner KS3
    2. Ilayda Brown – Winner KS4
    3. Aaurgen Mathivathanan – Highly commended KS4
    4. Benjamin Patel - Highly commended KS4

    Sports Round up

    30 students across Years 7-13 will be competing in the Harrow Borough Cross Country Race after Christmas, held at Harrow School.  We expect some excellent results!

    Basketball results this term

    Year 10 24 vs 4 John Lyon 

    Year 11 40 vs 19 John Lyon

    Both teams on 1/4 finals


    Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 boys all through to 1/4  finals

    KS4 girls are in the final

    KS3 girls start in February

    Year 7 won 2 football tournaments

    The sixth form drew twice to Whitmore and Avanti


    KS3 badminton won the borough plate competition 


    Our Choir and mini band recently attended a Christmas service at St Albans Church.  A great performance from our students as part of the Cluster Carol Concert.  Thank you to everyone who participated and attended our Music and Drama Winter Soirée. We had a full house even on a cold winter’s evening. The student performances were magnificent.

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  • October Fest

    Published 28/10/22, by Raj Patel

    Dear Readers

    During the month of October, our students continue to widen their experiences and knowledge with a range of activities that inspire learning. Our Year 12 and 13 students took part in the UKMT senior maths challenge.  Below are the results, again scoring above the national average. Two golds onto the next challenge! 

    Oliver Bronze

    Arjun Silver

    Justin Silver

    Arjun Bronze

    Vlad Gold

    Tanmay Silver

    Aaliya Bronze

    Lara Bronze

    Aakriti Silver

    Sameen Participation

    Saad Silver

    Manojen Silver

    Kavin Silver

    Alex Gold

    Vlad and Alex have also qualified for the next round which takes place on 16/11.


    National Poetry Day

    In celebration of National Poetry Day, our Year 9 students attended The Power of Poetry live workshop with Mark Grist, an internationally acclaimed poet, storyteller and rapper based in the UK.  During the session, students brainstormed and shared ideas they felt most passionate about before exploring poetic language and writing their own poems. 

    The English department and Learning Resource Centre hosted a poetry slam at lunchtime where students had the opportunity to share their work and answer questions about their creative process and inspiration. We had over 50 students attend and poets from Years 7-12 sharing their thoughts on growing up, identity, climate change and war. We are so proud of the talent showcased today and we wish our students entering the Young Writer's Poetry Competition the best of luck.











    Young inventor! 

    YR10 student Robert Witowski has begun to make his own gadgets and gizmos.  Last week, Robert created a laser range finder and it has been tested!  It is in its primacy in terms of development, but what an impressive start!  Amazing work!



















    FORMA Art Education Fair

    Our Year12 Art and 3D students visit to the FORMA Art Education Fair, followed by a trip to Regents Park to look at the Frieze Art Sculpture display. The exhibition is open till November 13th.   

    Chemistry Workshop


    Our Year 12 chemists attended a virtual workshop run by the Chemistry department at the University of Oxford.  The session focused on 3D shapes, chirality, the role of chirality in biological systems, and the protein SARS-CoV-2.  Upper-year students presented information on their current research projects and the applications of chemistry.  Students increased their knowledge about the different applications of chemistry, were introduced to chemistry research at the university level, and reflected on new topics to study independently in chemistry.

    World Mental Health Day

    This month we celebrated World Mental Health Day (October 10) and the Self Esteem Team will be visiting shortly to deliver a session to our Year 8 students on developing self-esteem.  For most people, confidence peaks and troughs throughout life but developing an understanding of where self-esteem comes from at a young age can really help to keep a person in the driver's seat.  During the Year 8 session, students will learn to challenge the labels we place on people and discover ways to create a positive feedback loop for themselves and interacting with others. These strategies are recommended for transitional periods, meeting new people, and forming a strong foundation for stepping outside a comfort zone which makes this class particularly useful at the start of the school year, or to set students up for new environments.


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  • September Success

    Published 30/09/22, by Raj Patel

    Dear Readers

    A new academic year brings new opportunities for students to shine and demonstrate their talents. “Inspiring Learning” has been encapsulated with our drive to instil reading for pleasure across all parts of the school. Display boards can capture attention but our “ Today A Reader – Tomorrow Leader" showpiece has made students stop, read and critically debate extracts with their passionate voices.

    One of our Year 13 Physics students won a national competition from the Institute of Physics called the 'quantum on the clock' competition.  He had to put together a video explaining an aspect of Quantum Physics in under 3mins.  He won a cash prize and attended an event at Nottingham Uni. Another one of our Physics students secured an amazing work experience with Formula 1 over the summer, gaining real insight into the industry. He persevered until he secured his dream place to work. A testament to the characters of our Trailblazers!

    On Wednesday our Years 9 and 10 students interested in journalism and social activism had the exciting opportunity of meeting Phil Lawder, a published novelist and editor of The Villager magazine. These students have been invited to contribute to the March edition of the magazine, exploring the theme of community in Pinner. In this session, the students brainstormed in small groups and pitched their ideas to Phil.  We look forward to seeing their work published early next year.

    One of our super bright Year 7 students submitted a piece of work into the Young Writers 1000 challenge. Isobel Rich’s story ‘Emma’s Flame’ has been selected to be included in their annual showcase. There will also be a copy of the book being kept in the British Library. 

    Our sports teams are going from strength to strength: Year 10 football team won their first game of the season 10-2 v Rooks Heath.  Goals scored by LS (4), DS (2), ST (2) HA-S(2).

    The above are some success stories this month to share. We know there are many more wonderful achievements to celebrate, and we will continue to acknowledge these during the year. Look out for our first student led newspaper… coming soon.


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  • Pinnfest 2022

    Published 08/07/22, by Admin

    Pinnfest this week was a real highlight of the term, and so brilliant to have it back in person for the first time since 2019. Students did a great job with performances of music and drama, and it was fabulous to have so many visitors. Many thanks indeed to all colleagues involved in planning and running the event.

    It was lovely to welcome our new Year 7 students to school this week. It is also the first time we have been able to run this event since 2019, and we know everyone benefits from this a great deal. Students spent the day in their form groups in a range of taster lessons, which I know colleagues really enjoyed delivering. Our new Year 7s also have the benefit of a four day summer school running at the end of August, when they will have the whole school to themselves. Over 140 students have signed up for this, and I am very grateful to Governors for approving this programme. Our new Headteacher from September, Mr. Patel, was able to attend both events. He has been coming to school every week since his appointment to ensure a smooth handover and I know everyone is enjoying working with him on planning our continued improvement.

    As well as these events, it has also been busy in other parts of the school, with Year 12 Geography students on their A Level field trip in Devon, Duke of Edinburgh expeditions over the last couple of weekends and final arrangements for Sports day taking place too. 

    In case you missed issue 8 of our school magazine 'Inspiring Learning' here it is: It gives you a flavour of the year at Pinner High School.

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  • Visits

    Published 23/06/22, by Admin
    The A Level Philosophy, Religion and Ethics class very much enjoyed their visit to the University of Cambridge. They attended a range of lectures from Cambridge professors, including a fascinating session on demons in antiquity.  Students took part in workshops with other PRE students as part of the day and heard from current Theology and Philosophy undergraduate students on what the course involves.
    Local MP Gareth Thomas is visiting school today.  Sixteen students from across the school will be asking him a number of questions about current issues and his role as an MP.
    Last week's virtual meeting with the National Teen Book Club was very successful.  Students discussed the novel 'The Hate U Give' and had a Q&A session with award winning author Abiola Bello.  Student engagement was excellent and they represented the school well with their thoughtful contributions and questions.  We have 3 more sessions, including a Q&A with Angie Thomas, the author of 'The Hate U Give.'
    This week we received our newest Eco Schools Award. We have a continuing commitment to this important area of school development, and are pleased to see this recognised with a new award. The image this week recognises the social impact of the students completing the Duke of Edinburgh's Award- congratulations to everyone involved.
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  • Gold!

    Published 10/06/22, by Admin
    It is lovely to have everyone back in school after the half-term break. We are very much in the thick of GCSE examinations at the moment, with most students completing 4 or 5 papers this week. We had an ice-cream 'wellbeing session' after the exam yesterday afternoon, and I enjoyed catching up with them. Students seem to be managing really well. Our invigilators are full of praise for their positive approach, and we wish every individual continuing success.
    More success to report, as over 41,000 students from 550 schools worldwide took part in this year's Biology Challenge, hosted by the Royal Society of Biology.  Of the 126 Year 10 scientists that completed the challenge, 64 students were awarded certificates this week, ranging from commended, highly commended, to bronze, silver and gold. This is an amazing achievement. Particular congratulations to the students for winning a gold certificate, putting them in the top 5% of students to complete the challenge globally. This week our A-level scientists are taking on the Royal Society's Intermediate Olympiad - we hope they are just as successful!
    Year 12 students were out on another visit this week, this time focused on UCAS preparations, which are about to begin in earnest. Year 10 students are on their Duke of Edinburgh expedition this weekend. Hopefully they will enjoy some sunshine.
    Parents will have had emails this week about forthcoming events including our Sports Day and Activities week. We are looking forward to all these events very much and are pleased to provide these opportunities for our students.
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  • Rainbow

    Published 27/05/22, by Admin

    I am delighted that our 'Rainbow arch' art installation was completed this week. It was originally conceived during the pandemic, and is designed as an area of reflection and commemoration of the challenges of the last two years. It also allows a space to reflect on the amazing resilience and strength of the community during that time. My immense thanks to all those involved in this project. The arch is 2 metres wide, and has rosemary planted at each end, to further add to the symbolism of remembrance.  

    After the half term break, more details of the success of our athletics team, continuing GCSE examinations, and a look ahead to PinnFest, Sports day and some end of year activities for all year groups. Exciting times! 

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  • Amazing success at PHS!

    Published 20/05/22, by Admin

    Some impressive news for our Mathematicians and sports stars this week, with sixth formers exploring the world of medicine and physics.

    116 students took part in the Junior Maths Challenge; an astonishing 96 students received either a bronze silver or gold award. Maths has always been a strength of the school, but this is an impressive number even by our own high standards. 6 of them also qualified for the next stage of the competition as well- congratulations to all!

    More success to report for sport beyond our school, with 2 students being selected for the Harrow youth netball team, and 7 students qualifying for the Harrow athletics county championships. Amazing!

    Our aspiring medics are at Birmingham City University today. They are taking part in the Operating Department Practitioner Experience day. Their skills with laparoscopic equipment were put to use building sugar cube towers to explore their dexterity and communication skills- to good effect! Physics students are at the National Physical Laboratory, enriching their skills and experience in this area. Year 10 GCSE Geography students completed their field trip this week, as you can see from the image above!

    My thanks to such dedicated colleagues facilitating all these wonderful opportunities.

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  • Second Trailblazed!

    Published 13/05/22, by Admin

    Our Year 11 GCSE exams begin on Monday, and we had a lovely assembly for them all today to recognise all they have achieved at Pinner High School. There were awards, presentations, performances and plenty of tears as they looked back over all their successes. Year 7 students lined the drive to cheer them on their way.

    Great success for our Key Stage 4 Girls Football team, who were crowned borough champions yesterday. They played a brilliant game in a very tense final and thoroughly deserved their victory. Inexplicably, there was no trophy for them to lift, so I was pleased to introduce the team in the Leavers assembly to award them a trophy to recognise that they won this inaugural borough competition.

    Our younger students had a positive experience during 'Bikeability' workshops this week, improving their bike skills and safety management experience. Our new bike storage area is currently being completed, funded with our Climate Kick Start Prize, so it is great to see such positive steps in this area. 

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  • Gold and Bronze

    Published 06/05/22, by Admin

    62 Bronze Duke of Edinburgh participants from Year 9 alongside 10 colleagues hiked over 12 km from Ruislip Lido to Rickmansworth Aquadrome in record time last weekend. All students demonstrated their teamwork and navigation skills, and a few Pinner Values along the way. We had great weather and a great start to the DofE season! Our inaugural Gold expedition set off today. We wish them well on this most demanding part of a very prestigious award.

    Last night was a wonderful evening of music at our first concert of the year. Soloists and groups, Year 7 and Sixth Formers all came together during a lovely event. 'We don't talk about Bruno' was a fabulous finale! We look forward to Pinnfest on 7th July- a date for your diaries- the first time we have been able to hold this in person in several years.

    This time of year is always focused on exams, and our Year 11 students are rapidly reaching them. Orals in Mandarin and Spanish have already begun. We wish all our students every possible success with this. I was delighted to talk to Year 11 parents on a Zoom call this week to make sure they are as well equipped as possible to support their children at home too. 

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  • Triple Finalists

    Published 29/04/22, by Admin

    Triple finals week at Pinner HIgh School, with the Year 8, 9 and 11 boys football teams all making the finals of the borough tournaments. Many many congratulations to all involved, and thanks to all the students who came up to the football ground after school to cheer the teams on. We move swiftly into the athletics season, and an amazing 80 students attended trials this week for our first fixture next week.

    The Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme is a highly prestigious one that has been operating for over 50 years: DofE - The Duke of Edinburgh's Award This weekend sees training for our Bronze Award students, with the Gold expedition the week after. We have over 100 students registered with the Award, which is an extraordinary number. It is lovely to see so many young people engaged in stretching themselves and contributing to our community. They bring the Pinner High School Values to life in so many brilliant ways. 

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  • First Head Students

    Published 22/04/22, by Admin

    Another milestone to celebrate with our first Head Students! They were elected to their positions just before the holidays. It was a very competitive process, involving an application, an interview with me, one of our Governors, and our Head of Sixth Form, and a short film to share with the school community to help everyone hear more about each candidate's ideas. Each selection panel was clear that we had an exceptionally high quality field, but three students stood out, so Najah, Alex and Nathan are our first Head Students. Congratulations! They each wanted to introduce themselves in their own words.

    Nathan says: "As one of the Trailblazers at Pinner High, I can't believe how far we've come from our first ever assembly in Year 7. I remember sitting in the Pinnacle, nervous, as I didn't know how secondary school life would turn out in this new school. However, when I look back now I don't know what I was worried about. I've loved it. I always enjoyed participating in school life; the school production- Bugsy Malone in Year 7 was a highlight- rugby team, football team and lots of other activities. I am committed to using my position to help other students blaze their trail so that everyone can have a journey like mine."

    Alex tells us: "I’m extremely excited to be elected as one of the very first Head Students for Pinner High School, and I feel very thankful to all the students, teachers and support staff who have trusted me enough to make this happen. I will work the utmost with my peers to create an even more enjoyable school environment! The whole process to becoming one of the first Head Students was extremely enjoyable, with it really putting me through a range of experiences including a formal interview. It was a truly unique experience which I’ll bring with me in my future and am really proud to have been a part of."

    Najah says: "I am honoured to be one of Pinner High School’s very first Head students. I believe that everyone who has become a part of the student leadership team is dedicated to their cause and it will be a pleasure working alongside them. I have already begun working on a fundraiser with my Diversity and Inclusion teammates, so please do look out for ways to get involved in our projects. I’d like to thank everyone who has cheered me on in this endeavour, and those who came to me in the school to tell me they liked my Head Student video, or to congratulate me after the vote. Those wonderful words mean a lot to me and I can’t wait to make meaningful changes at our school." 

    Pinner High School is lucky to have such outstanding young people in our community, and it is a pleasure working with them.

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