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Here is a round up of our blog posts, keeping you informed about the life and times of Pinner High School.


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  • Awards night

    Published 20/11/20, by Admin

    The TES awards took place last week, featuring a film about Pinner High School following our shortlisting in the Secondary School of the year category. Being the only school in the whole of London, and one of just 8 schools in the country selected in this way when there are over 4,000 in the country is a huge honour. It is a brilliant endorsement of everything our students, staff, governors and trustees have been doing for the last four years. The award was won by Heartlands E-ACT Academy; many congratulations to them. To even be considered for this prestigious award is an extraordinary achievement, and I’d like to thank our whole community for their support. If you would like to watch the award presentation, it is available here: Our film is towards the end of the programme. Congratulations!

    Anti-bullying week is coming to an end, during which we have had so many peer ‘kindness’ nominations. Year 7 had their tower building House Event, during which 7BY came out on top. Our Year 11s have Sixth Form interviews, and their examinations are fast approaching. There are only 3 weeks to go until the end of term, so plenty of time to let you know about this year’s charity, and events in the last week of term including a festive lunch and the annual festive jumper day on the last day of term, 11th December.

    I hope you and your family are staying safe and well.

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  • Parent Governors

    Published 13/11/20, by Admin

    I am delighted to share news of the recent parent governor election. I am always grateful when parents offer to contribute to the success of our school. There are many ways to do this, and being a governor is an especially important one. We had a high number of parents willing to put themselves forward, and I would like to thank each of them for doing so. I am sorry all the candidates could not have joined the group, but there were only two vacancies. The successful candidates in the election were Dr. Day and Rev’d Hullyer. Congratulations to them both. Their biographies are below:

    Paul Hullyer: "I have been Vicar of Pinner Parish Church since 2008, having been ordained for 23 years. Before ordination, my career was in credit management and corporate finance. I have experience of school governance, having been a governor at 2 schools in Addlestone, Surrey (2000-2003), then later chair of governors at the Oak Farm Primary Schools in Hillingdon (2003-2008), and as a community governor at Bishop Ramsey (2008-2013) where I chaired the finance committee and also the steering group managing the transition to academy status. I am also an Officer (Chaplain) in the Army Reserve.

    I am used to working both within teams and individually, and pursuing goals which emerge from a corporate decision making process. I understand corporate responsibility, and feel strongly that the role of school governance is to assist, not direct, the head teacher and all staff in their roles. I can bring experience of school finances and governance in a variety of settings to this role.

    I passionately believe in in Pinner High School and its challenging and stimulating education for young people; it’s ethos and it’s capability for inspiring learning in every discipline. I am able to give the necessary time to the role."

    Kerry Day: "I would be delighted to have the opportunity to join the Governing body as a parent Governor, as I believe I have the skills and experience to be able to make a meaningful contribution as Pinner High continues to grow and establish itself as an outstanding school in the community. 

    I have 7 years’ experience as a Governor of a local primary school and fully understand the role of strategy and challenge in an education setting. I have been the designated Governor for safeguarding, pupil premium, SEND and EYFS. I have also been Chair of the Curriculum and Community committee. My term has included Head teacher and SLT appointments, decisions on school expansion, extensive building works and 2 successful Ofsted inspections. 

    Professionally, as a Consultant Paediatrician, the development of children and young people is something I have always cared passionately about, and I believe that an education that is engaging, inspiring, wide-ranging and fun gives young people the best possible start in life.

    As my children are growing older, with my daughter now in Year 8, I would relish the chance to bring my experience as a Governor and my perspective as a parent to the Pinner High Governing body."

    Governors meetings are all virtual at the moment, but I look forward to Rev’d Hullyer and Dr. Day’s contributions to our school. Our students continue to show considerable resilience during this challenging time, and I am so impressed with the way they continue to approach their learning. We are keen to make sure that the ‘fun’ that features so prominently in students’ views of Pinner High continues this term, and Year 7 have been looking at form time House Events, and Year 8 have been reflecting as a year group on the Pinner High School Values.   

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  • New spaces

    Published 06/11/20, by Admin


    A challenging and rewarding week: new classrooms for 360 students and almost 20 office moves- but we are in and students are making good use of their new spaces. 

    We have new gates, doors, feature displays, labs, classrooms and staff work spaces we have reclaimed the main hall and expanded into new outside areas too. I need to express my admiration for our site and facilities team who have managed this over the half term break whilst adhering to safe working practices. A real challenge, and a real success. The strip out work has started immediately on the parts of the school we vacated, ready to upgrade these facilities as well. These plans have been several years in the making, and it is exciting to see them coming together.

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  • Black history celebration

    Published 21/10/20, by Admin

    The blog this week is guest edited by Miss Bloss, Head of History, who led our reflections on Black Lives Matter, and Black History Month.

    This year we chose to focus on the Notting Hill Carnival for a month long celebration of Black History. This has enabled students to connect with Black History in their own city and provided an opportunity to honour and understand this historic and inspirational annual carnival.

    Our celebration began by focusing on the history of the Notting Hill Carnival. Our students learnt that the carnival was set up in order to show case, promote and honour Caribbean and African achievements. Prior to this Notting Hill area had been subjected to riots and tension. In order to help educate the wider community and provide a platform for the black community living in Notting Hill. Claudia Jones and others started the Carnival in 1959. This is an important message we wanted our Pinner High School community to understand - it is still crucial to provide a platform today to show case black culture and history.

    Our students have learnt how Carnival has changed over time to grow and build into a weekend celebration. In collaboration with the Drama and Music departments, we have been able to highlight to our students how Carnival has been revolutionary in performance, creating stages and show casing a variety of musical styles. Miss Sims, Head of Drama and Enrichment, highlighted to our students why “the Notting Hill Carnival is the most wonderful celebration of diversity. It’s a festival that shows that through adversity comes creation, that art will always carry on and that differences only make us stronger.”

    Mr McCormick, Teacher of Music, was involved in teaching a selection of Year 9 pupils Samba as a part of our celebrations. He stated “I have always been inspired by the words of Nina Simone – ‘I had spent many years pursuing excellence, because that is what classical music is all about... Now it was dedicated to freedom, and that was far more important’. The initial idea behind this contribution was to recreate a school wide parade in honour and celebration of the Notting Hill Carnival. However we were unfortunately unable to do this due to the obvious restrictions imposed by social distancing. We instead opted to have our miniature performance presented by the Year 9 House Captains whilst featuring a Year 7 DJ ”.  One of our performers commented “Even though COVID- 19 forced the Notting Hill Carnival to be cancelled, at Pinner High school we are doing all our best to honour the Black Lives Matter movement this year through the celebration of Black History Month”.

    This celebration has been enjoyed immensely by our students and staff.  One Year 9 student said “I have found Black History Month this year extremely useful and I’ve learnt about an area of history I have never studied.” Equally, Mrs Hindmarsh, one our Deputy Heads also found the celebrations insightful. “It has been wonderful to walk around at form time and see each of the year groups learning about Black History Month. The discussion with pupils has been both thought provoking and hopeful. We celebrate this every year, but this year seemed particularly important”.

    This is an important area to continue to study and develop. After discussing the importance of studied black history with two Year 10s both agreed “black history is part our history and the roots of England. It should be taught and should not be ignored due to how historical significant it is”.  As a history department we have continued to further diversify our curriculum to now cover an even wider range of histories from around the world. Black History will remain a strong and central part of our school curriculum beyond Black History month. Mr Mason in our history department, summed it up really well: “Studying 'black history' properly means going above just learning about the periods of black and BME struggle throughout time, but embracing the undeniable role black people have taken in shaping the history and culture of our nation. 'Black history' is all of our history”.

    In the aftermath of the death of George Floyd we created this website as a hub of resources:

    It remains available if anyone would like to find out more.

    My particular thanks to Miss Bloss for her leadership and the whole community for their support. The student who created the Black Lives Matter inspired art work that accompanies this blog noted: "My choice of images were of the different emotions that are held amongst people during the Black Lives Matter movement. These are: happiness, loneliness, sorrow and anger. The string interlinks all these emotions for one cause."

    The Pinner High School Values demand that we continue to respond; there is plenty more to do but it has been a very positive start.

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  • Positive report

    Published 16/10/20, by Admin

    You will have seen from my update during the week that our refurbishment programme is moving to the next phase after half term. The new spaces are looking fabulous and I am really excited that we can soon share them with students. The highlight for me is the Science labs, which are absolutely first class spaces. I know the Science team are as excited as I am. More disappointingly I have to move out of my office whilst the next phase of refurbishment takes place, which I am less excited about! Please do check the website link I sent though earlier in the week, as we have changed some start times to maximise learning over the next half term: These changes come into effect from 2nd November.

    I am pleased to report more Jack Petchey Award winners over the last few weeks. This is an award scheme that asks winners to identify projects on which to spend £250 of Jack Petchey Foundation money around the school. Students vote for the winners themselves, and this brilliant scheme has supported different departments and activities in our community. Congratulations to all involved.

    You may know that nominations for Parent Governor closed this week. We had 11 applications for 2 posts and you will receive details of all the parents who have put themselves forward shortly. You will then need to vote for your preferred candidate. Our Chair of Governors, Dr. Ahmed, will be in touch with arrangements next week.

    It is application season for Year 7 places for next year, as you will know. We already have 500 applications to join us next September, over 100 more than the same time last year which resulted in us being the most oversubscribed school in Harrow. If you know someone who wants to find out more about our school please do direct them towards our Youtube channel or school website where you will find our school films. We will premiere our Sixth Form film on 10th November.

    Every year we have a rigorous external health and safety audit. This year amongst many other things they reviewed our Covid procedures. This is an internal document, but given the difficulties reported in the news with a rising rate in this area, I thought it would be of interest to you to see that: “As part of the audit process a summary review of Covid-19 procedures was carried out. There are good arrangements in place which were observed to being followed during the audit. Covid-19 arrangements are a standing agenda item at SLT meetings. There is a regularly reviewed and updated risk assessment, staggered start / finish times, good separation of bubbles with separate canteens and break space, well-spaced classroom layouts and an enhanced cleaning regime with a day cleaner. Good procedures were observed in PE and D&T particularly around sharing resources. Checks have been made of cleaning and catering contractor regarding their arrangements for managing the situation as well. There is good support for staff with individual risk assessments completed for all staff where needed and risk assessments have also completed for higher risk areas such as site, IT and medical. Visors are provided to any staff member who wants one and wellbeing forms have been sent to staff so they can raise any concerns.”

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  • The Governors Blog

    Published 09/10/20, by Admin

    My name is Andleeb Ahmed, and I am the Chair of Governors at Pinner High School. As we have Parent Governor vacancies at the moment I thought it would be a good idea to write to everyone about the Governing Body and the work we do. This might be of use if you are considering putting yourself forward to join us, and even if you are not it is important to know what is going on behind the scenes at your child’s school.

    Governors are all volunteers who want to support the successful growth and development of the school. I am a local GP- all our Governors have day jobs, and most of us do not have a background in education. When the school first opened we had more Governors from local schools to help steer our development. Once we had appointed a Headteacher and the school was clearly on the right track, the Governing Body has evolved to include a more diverse skill set, but still involves some experienced school leaders. More details of the current Governors are on our website: I have learnt so much from being a Governor at Pinner High School and enjoy the dialogue around school improvement and development. Interacting with the pupils via ‘student voice’ is my favourite part of being Governor . My background in the NHS and public service is useful in helping me understand some of the issues in education, but we welcome a diverse set of skills and backgrounds to enrich our Governing Body even further.

    Highlights for me of the last few years include the ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted judgement. Having been a Governor since before the school opened and seeing the journey first hand, it was an emotional moment and a few tears were shed! We were also delighted to learn the school is the most oversubscribed in Harrow. Our local schools are so strong and so supportive that to be competing with them so soon is such a good sign.

    We know the last few months have been challenging for everyone. The role of Governors is to support and challenge the Headteacher and the leadership team and we are particularly keen to provide support through the present time. We are proud of the contribution the school has made to the local community particularly in the last few months; making masks for frontline workers; hosting 3 other local schools on site; donating all their PPE to local healthcare providers; and still providing support for key workers in school and everyone else at a distance. As well as this, we are firmly behind the school’s proactive approach to emphasise Black Lives Matter. We recruited the current Headteacher to lead ‘an inclusive school for the whole community’ and this remains the case; to join our Governing Body you also need to be supportive of this position. We welcome new ideas and diversity, but given the school’s shortlisting for the TES Secondary school of the year award and many other positive indicators, we are not looking to steer a radically different course as we must be doing something right!

    Other than recruiting senior staff, I am sometimes asked what we do. We meet several times a year in different committees and groups to talk to the school leadership team. They report a range of information to us, and we interrogate that data carefully to look at trends and indicators about what it tells us about our children, and any advice we share as a result. In ‘normal’ circumstances we like to visit the school and see it all at work. Sometimes it is easier to talk about what we don’t do. We don’t run the school. We leave that to the leadership team. I remind Governors from time to time that we are ‘eyes on, hands off’.  

    Being a Governor is very enjoyable. It enables parents to have a voice in the development of our school and to help shape its continuing success. What could be more important than that for our children?

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  • Inspiring Learning

    Published 02/10/20, by Admin

    Year 7 are the guest editors of the blog this week, with their reflections on joining Pinner High School. As our open event film is on Facebook premiere at 7pm this Thursday 8th October it is a good moment to hear their views on starting a new school. We are now the most oversubscribed school in Harrow, so it is good to hear they have settled in so well. 

    Smiling faces

    During the summer holidays I was very nervous, I was so nervous that every time I thought of a new school there was a chill down my spine. When I arrived at school I was greeted by many smiling faces, so felt welcome from the moment I was in the front gate. In class my teacher explained to us what was going to happen and the daily schedule. Everyone was kind so I was able to make some new friends straight away. By the end of the day I was smiling to myself as I walked out of the building! If there is any advice I could give to people nervous to go to secondary school is to remember that everyone is in the same boat. I have only been at Pinner High School for a few weeks, but I could not feel happier.

    Sasha 7MY


    Life as a Year 7… You have teachers, homework and classmates. That’s quite normal.  But there is something unique about Year 7 that not many people realise – it is really fun! The teachers are very good and well educated, and the homework is very helpful and well explained via websites and demonstrations. The breaks are well timed, and it is a very COVID safe environment to be in. Pinner High School is a very kind and nice environment. I like it a lot.

    Vir 7MX

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  • Shortlisted for Secondary School of the Year!

    Published 25/09/20, by Admin

    A special blog this week to celebrate today’s announcement that Pinner High School is on the shortlist for the Tes Secondary School of the Year award!

    The Tes Schools Awards celebrates the extraordinary commitment, quality and innovation shown by teachers and school staff across the UK. The most outstanding individuals and institutions that the education sector has to offer have been recognised in the shortlist for the Tes Schools Awards 2020. TES editor Ann Mroz said: “It is always a highlight of the education calendar to see the best ideas and people lauded at the Tes Schools Awards. But this year, it felt more important than ever to run an event that showcased and celebrated the hard work that teachers and school staff do for children and their local community every single day. This has been one of the most difficult years in education, but – as ever – teachers continue to rise to the challenge.

    "We had a record number of entries this year and the standard was very high, so all those shortlisted should be very proud: it's an extraordinary achievement to be on this shortlist."

    This is an amazing achievement for the students and staff at Pinner High School. It reflects everything that everyone does every day and I am so proud of them all. Chair of Governors Dr. Ahmed passed on her congratulations to the whole community for their support. Great news!

    You can read more about the awards on

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  • Wellbeing

    Published 18/09/20, by Admin

    I was delighted to receive the certificate this week acknowledging our Year 10 Student Wellbeing and Mental Health ambassadors. We have a group in Year 11 who were trained a year ago, and with the challenges of the last few months I was keen to have an even larger group trained this year. 19 students gave up their time at the end of the summer holiday to come in to school during the inset days before term started to complete the course. The trainer was very impressed at the way the students engaged with the blended learning. My thanks to them all. The challenge now is using these skills across the school whilst maintaining the year group bubbles. We are working on this!

    Also working on some problem solving are our refurbishment contractors, B&K, who continue on the new schedule to complete another dozen classrooms  ready for us to move into during the October half term break. This includes another 4 brand new Science labs, which look phenomenal. I am very excited to show our Year 11 students these spaces, as this is where their new bubble will be after half term. I will share more detailed plans of the changes that are still to come over the next few weeks as we continue to benefit from even more first class facilities.

    Thank you for the messages of support we have received over the last few weeks. It was great to see so many families on our Year 7 virtual welcome event last night, and I look forward to working with you over the months ahead.  

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  • Welcome back!

    Published 11/09/20, by Admin

    It has been a brilliant week welcoming students back to school after such a long time. The whole school community has responded so well to the new ways of working, and I need to thank students, colleagues, parents, governors and friends of the school for their cooperation and warm wishes as we return to the classroom.

    In classes I have enjoyed seeing a range of learning activities that I know we have all missed; particular classes I saw included Year 8 at the long jump pit, Year 9 war poetry, a very engaging art class, and an impressive historical debate. Year 11 intervention is already underway- they have an early start and a late finish- and are stepping up to this challenge in a very mature way. Year 7 are getting used to their new spaces and new uniforms, and picking up the trailblazers spirit as the first students to occupy our newly refurbished spaces. More than all this, the chance for students to reconnect, regenerate and work together is happening exactly as I had hoped it would.

    Whilst it has been an overwhelmingly positive start we know that it is not easy, and our control measures are not ideal. However, our attendance this week is close to 97% across the school, which is higher than national targets for 'normal' times. I find myself seeing the Pinner HIgh School Values in our students more and more as we negotiate these complicated times together. It is good to be back!

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  • Quadruple award winners!

    Published 16/07/20, by Admin

    This has been a challenging term, so it is lovely to end it with news of four awards recognising different aspects of school life that we have received over the last few weeks.


    Pinner High School was awarded the Investors in People Health and Wellbeing Gold Award, the Eco Schools Silver Award and has two Pearson National Teaching Award Certificate of Excellence winners; the Mandarin department in the ‘Impact through Partnership’ category for their work with Cannon Lane and West Lodge Primary Schools, and Mr. Maran Dhannie, who leads our autism provision, for ‘Excellence in Special Educational Needs‘.


    I am so proud of our Mandarin team and Mr. Dhannie for being recognised in this way. We are an inclusive school for the whole community, and these awards all arriving simultaneously captures that really well. Our commitment as an Eco School is an important one as we look to play a leading role in sustainable education programmes as we all emerge from the last few months. Starting a rigorous wellbeing accreditation programme through the Investors in People award during a pandemic felt rather foolish, but to have jumped a level straight to Gold is brilliant news. It shows how hard my colleagues have been working together to build a school as it should be, rather than as it has always been.


    Students are the ones who benefit from this, as everything is always centred around them. They are the measure of success in any school, and many of my colleagues have been touched by the comments many of them have received from students through Google Classroom thanking them for all they have done at a distance.


    We are so grateful for the support of our community throughout. It is not something we take for granted. There are plenty of things we are developing further, of course, and we look forward to returning to these in September. Before that, I know we all need a break, some time away from our screens, and a chance to re-energise for the challenges ahead.


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  • Champions!

    Published 13/03/20, by Admin

    Congratulations to our Year 7 boys table tennis team who are our newest Borough Champions! They had a brilliant tournament this week, and played really well throughout against some very tough opponents. We’ll add the team photo to our growing Wall of Fame to celebrate their success. Brilliant news!

    I enjoyed checking in on the refurbishment programme this week, walking round our new spaces and seeing the progress our contractors have already made. The schedule of work is tight, but indications are positive. We are planning how to decorate the hoarding at the front of the building so that the students can make their mark on the process as well. They have been involved in planning the growth of the school through the buildings. I shall continue to keep you updated.


    The media has been full of reports about different phases of the coronavirus national action plan. We have been planning for different scenarios, and have developed a range of online learning activities that can be completed from home should the need arise. Teachers have been practising using different apps and resources in class to try to get as far ahead with this as is possible. You may have seen your child preparing Google classroom activities at home. I have enjoyed seeing the creativity from students and staff in the balanced way they have responded to this. The Pinner High School Values or resilience, flexibility and courage spring readily to mind. Whatever the future holds, I know the school community will rise to the challenge.


    Year 9 rose to the challenge of their Midterm examinations a couple of weeks ago. Today they receive their grades, and will spend subsequent lessons looking at feedback and how to improve further.


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