You will have seen from my update during the week that our refurbishment programme is moving to the next phase after half term. The new spaces are looking fabulous and I am really excited that we can soon share them with students. The highlight for me is the Science labs, which are absolutely first class spaces. I know the Science team are as excited as I am. More disappointingly I have to move out of my office whilst the next phase of refurbishment takes place, which I am less excited about! Please do check the website link I sent though earlier in the week, as we have changed some start times to maximise learning over the next half term: https://sites.google.com/pinnerhighschool.co.uk/newfornovember/home These changes come into effect from 2nd November.
I am pleased to report more Jack Petchey Award winners over the last few weeks. This is an award scheme that asks winners to identify projects on which to spend £250 of Jack Petchey Foundation money around the school. Students vote for the winners themselves, and this brilliant scheme has supported different departments and activities in our community. Congratulations to all involved.
You may know that nominations for Parent Governor closed this week. We had 11 applications for 2 posts and you will receive details of all the parents who have put themselves forward shortly. You will then need to vote for your preferred candidate. Our Chair of Governors, Dr. Ahmed, will be in touch with arrangements next week.
It is application season for Year 7 places for next year, as you will know. We already have 500 applications to join us next September, over 100 more than the same time last year which resulted in us being the most oversubscribed school in Harrow. If you know someone who wants to find out more about our school please do direct them towards our Youtube channel or school website where you will find our school films. We will premiere our Sixth Form film on 10th November.
Every year we have a rigorous external health and safety audit. This year amongst many other things they reviewed our Covid procedures. This is an internal document, but given the difficulties reported in the news with a rising rate in this area, I thought it would be of interest to you to see that: “As part of the audit process a summary review of Covid-19 procedures was carried out. There are good arrangements in place which were observed to being followed during the audit. Covid-19 arrangements are a standing agenda item at SLT meetings. There is a regularly reviewed and updated risk assessment, staggered start / finish times, good separation of bubbles with separate canteens and break space, well-spaced classroom layouts and an enhanced cleaning regime with a day cleaner. Good procedures were observed in PE and D&T particularly around sharing resources. Checks have been made of cleaning and catering contractor regarding their arrangements for managing the situation as well. There is good support for staff with individual risk assessments completed for all staff where needed and risk assessments have also completed for higher risk areas such as site, IT and medical. Visors are provided to any staff member who wants one and wellbeing forms have been sent to staff so they can raise any concerns.”