Record Numbers
Our Artsmark Silver Award certificate arrived this week, alongside a clean sweep in our football round up: Year 7 boys defeated Hatch End 7-2, Year 8 boys beat Harrow High by the same score, and the Year 9 boys scored a last minute winner to come out 5-4 ahead at Whitmore. Well played all! Girls and boys badminton teams play their first matches next week, alongside the boys rugby team. This is our first rugby fixture, and we are delighted to be playing William Perkins School.
I enjoyed our first meeting this week with Bowmer and Kirkland, who will be completing the final phase of our refurbishment over the coming year. We will be developing designs over the coming months for the refurbishment of the site; students, staff and parents have already had a chance to express their views and share their priorities. If anyone would like to add to this, please do contact the school.
UK Parliament Week takes place 12th-16th November. Our Parliamentary Ambassadors are busy coordinating activities and assemblies, with lunch time seminars planned too. Our Black History Month assemblies take place just before this, building on the success of the Black History House Event before half term.
Applications closed this week for applications to join us in September 2019; a record 959 families expressed a preference for us. We are thrilled to have such a show of support from the community, and continue to find ways to live up to this in the months ahead.