Today there are students in Year 9 on a visit to The Scholar’s Club, which provides opportunity to further enhance provision for our More Able students. This will show the students even more of the activities that will be available to them in the future, and help them look at the next steps of their education. Although our oldest students are now in Year 9, our Sixth Form development is very much part of our planning.
Planning was a big part of the House Event, focused on different aspects of Design: cityscapes and logos were the competition this week, with different Houses triumphing in different year groups.
Students this week found out if they had qualified for the UK Maths Challenge, run by the UK Mathematics Trust. This is a nationwide challenge involving abstract questions that provide real challenge to our most able mathematicians. The next round of this takes place in early February.
The Duke of Edinburgh taught sessions began this week, ahead of the expeditions in the summer. Students will be taught about navigation and camp craft, before being let loose in the local countryside!
The first Cross Country event of the new year takes place at Harrow School next week. Next week is also the Year 8 Parents Evening and Options Evening. The Key Stage 4 booklet is attached to this blog.