The A Level Philosophy, Religion and Ethics class very much enjoyed their visit to the University of Cambridge. They attended a range of lectures from Cambridge professors, including a fascinating session on demons in antiquity. Students took part in workshops with other PRE students as part of the day and heard from current Theology and Philosophy undergraduate students on what the course involves.
Local MP Gareth Thomas is visiting school today. Sixteen students from across the school will be asking him a number of questions about current issues and his role as an MP.
Last week's virtual meeting with the National Teen Book Club was very successful. Students discussed the novel 'The Hate U Give' and had a Q&A session with award winning author Abiola Bello. Student engagement was excellent and they represented the school well with their thoughtful contributions and questions. We have 3 more sessions, including a Q&A with Angie Thomas, the author of 'The Hate U Give.'
This week we received our newest Eco Schools Award. We have a continuing commitment to this important area of school development, and are pleased to see this recognised with a new award. The image this week recognises the social impact of the students completing the Duke of Edinburgh's Award- congratulations to everyone involved.