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Headteacher's Blog

Here is a round up of our blog posts, keeping you informed about the life and times of Pinner High School.


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  • Winners!

    Published 16/03/18, by Admin


    The initial proposal for Pinner High School was that it should be an excellent inclusive school for the whole community. It is especially pleasing that alongside an array of academic opportunites, this week we were recognised with the Young Carers award. This celebrates the commitment to students who take on additional responsibilities at home, and the support available to them through school.


    School has been alive with Science week, currently being celebrated nationally. An element hunt, liquid nitrogen and slime creation are a few highlights, alongside the bridge building engineering House Competition. Students this week took part in the TCS Oxford Computing Challenge, stretching our most able coders. Our most able writers in Year 7 enjoyed ‘Young Writers’ activities at Stanmore Library. This built on the workshop and presentation to all students from author Beverley Naidoo for World Book Day.


    Q?rius this week was especially good, with Kathryn Knight who has written for the Times, Marie Claire and the Daily Mail. She told Year 8 fascinating stories of her travels during her journalistic career including visits to a military base, and interviewing Simon Cowell and One Direction. She shared ways of getting into journalism, and answered lots of questions.


    I enjoyed answering questions from parents at our half termly Coffee and Chat this week. We talked about the development of the site through the next phases of refurbishment, as Avanti House move to their new home in a couple of weeks. We also discussed buses and traffic, catering and more.

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  • Hat Trick!

    Published 09/03/18, by Admin

    I was delighted this week to welcome families of those given offers to join us in September as our third year group. Time flies! 180 offers were made for 180 places,  and the ‘last distance offered’ was 1.4 miles. Our waiting list is growing, but there will be lots of movement, and I expect more offers will be made over the coming weeks.


    It is exciting to share with new families the opportunities a Pinner High School education brings. The last few weeks have seen Money Matters workshops, and the return of students from the ski trip. The arctic weather led to the cancellation of the Globe theatre trip for the whole of Year 7, which was unfortunate. The RAF were due to be our speakers in the Q?rius programme, but could not make it due to the snow!


    Students are busy rehearsing for the school musical ‘Beauty and the Beast’, trying out for the table tennis team, and preparing for the Science Week House competition.


    Before we add an extra year group we will be the sole occupants of our site, as Avanti House move to their new site in a few weeks. We are busy planning the spaces we can use straight away, and developing the next phase of the refurbishment programme. Students will help how to prioritise spending £4.2 million on our facilities: we're creating an extensive shopping list!

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  • Wall of Fame

    Published 02/02/18, by Admin

    Lots of sporting success to celebrate this week, from the boys and girls football teams, the cross-country teams, and the boys and girls indoor athletics teams. All experienced considerable success, with 4 runners qualifying for the cross-country county competition and all representing us very effectively. The boys athletics team won the borough competition, and will add their photograph to the Wall of Fame, showcasing our tournament winners. Teachers from other schools commented on the quality of performance and conduct of our students, which is always very pleasing. As we make our debuts in the different age categories of the different sporting events, it is brilliant to see the students achieve such success, and equally important, creating such a positive reputation as they continue to bring the Pinner Values to life.


    I have been interviewing a range of candidates keen to teach in our growing school for September. We continue to attract a range of talented individuals, both experienced colleagues and those new to the profession. UCL Physics department are currently working with us and the Institute of Education to bring undergraduate physicists into classrooms. The undergraduates have been bringing their research skills and experience to lesson planning, and will visit more lessons after half term to inspire and enthuse our students.


    Further inspiration will come next week with our Chinese New Year celebration, including Kung Fu sessions with a Grand Master for all students. Next week is also the Year 8 finance day, when students will be applying their mathematical skills to the world of personal finance. After the half term break the whole of Year 7 will experience a performance at the Globe theatre, we have an author visit on World Book Day, and over the half term break our annual ski trip. Exciting times!  

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  • Happy New Year

    Published 12/01/18, by Admin


    Happy New Year! The first full week back has seen the students straight back into action. They have chosen from a new list of thirty five clubs for the Head’s Challenge, with new options including Psychology, Salsa, Reading ambassadors, as well as the usual range of sports, art and community based activities. The clubs got underway straight away, and it is great to hear students talking about their new activities with such enjoyment.


    The enjoyment of students in the Politics Club was clear to visiting Councillors before the holiday, who will be profiling the group in their newest publication. This news comes alongside Miss Lowder’s successful application to the Teachers Institute at the Houses of Parliament. Teachers taking part in Teachers’ Institute become UK Parliament Teacher Ambassadors following the training, and go on to teach their students and fellow education professionals about democracy and the Houses of Parliament. Miss Lowder applied to Parliament’s open call and was selected from more than 170 applicants to attend the three-day training event in Parliament.  Fully funded by Parliament’s Education Service, Hannah will question the House of Commons Speaker and the Lord Speaker, and hear from parliamentarians of all parties about their work in the Commons and Lords. Rt Hon Lord Fowler, The Lord Speaker, said: “Teachers’ Institute is exceptionally well-regarded by the participants each year, and I welcome the opportunity to explain the work of the House of Lords to such an appreciative audience.” Rt Hon John Bercow MP, Speaker of the House of Commons, said: “I am proud that this excellent initiative continues to provide such an invaluable service. Better engagement and dialogue with young people is of fundamental importance to our democracy, and I am sure that the UK Parliament Teacher Ambassadors attending Teachers’ Institute will find the experience both useful and enlightening.”


    We successfully applied to be part in the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families research project into the mental health of children and young people. Our pastoral care has consistently been very highly rated, and taking part in projects such as this ensures we are able to access the latest research to inform our school practices. The research has been approved by the UCL Ethics Research Committee, and training is provided for three members of staff at no cost to the school.


    Year 8 students are having their individual GCSE options interviews over the next few weeks. It is brilliant to hear their career aspirations are so broad and interesting. Talking about Sixth form options when the school has only been open for 4 terms and a week is very exciting! We are currently recruiting for lots of teaching positions, so it is not too late to join our team for September.

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  • Season's Greetings

    Published 20/12/17, by Admin

    A brilliant end to the 4th term at Pinner High School, and a festive season jam packed with events: performers at Pinner Panto, our own end of term concert, guest appearances by our students as we hosted the Cannon Lane concert, a very enjoyable charity Christmas jumper day and festive lunch.


    In the last week, Year 8 had a day dedicated to their GCSE options. This included a speaker from Unidays, University of Cambridge, and closer to home sixth formers visited us from Whitmore High School to talk about how they made their subject choices for GCSE and A Level. Our students also took a ‘Careers test’ on the Fast Tomato website, that suggests careers based on an individual’s interests and strengths. Year 7 had a day dedicated to Esafety, with parents invited for an evening session to help keep their children safe online.


    In our celebration assembly today, students received their certificates from the Bebras Challenge 2017 a national computational thinking competition.  12 students came in the top 10% across the country: many congratulations to them. We also crowned our first Chess champion, and enjoyed 7BX showcasing their salsa dance, the winning entry into the ‘MFL Got Talent’ languages House competition. Bannister are in the lead at the end of the first term, but with plenty left to play for!


    There continues to be much to celebrate. We received over 900 applications for entry to the school in September 2018, by which time we will have the whole site for our own use. We have already appointed some brilliant colleagues to start with us in September for our growing school, and it promises to be a very happy new year.


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  • Action Packed!

    Published 24/11/17, by Admin

    An action packed few weeks: the whole of year 7 at the Science Museum exploring the ‘Wonder Lab’; year 8 at Ealing Gurdwara temple; more speakers in the Q?rius programme; sports fixtures in football and badminton; rehearsals for Pinner Panto; applications for House Captains; Year 7 parents evenings; preparations for GCSE options.


    The Wonder Lab is a brilliant place to explore Science and Maths, and students had great fun at the explosive show and experimenting with a whole range of ideas, activities and materials last week. Taking the whole year group on London Underground is a big undertaking, but students excelled themselves. For many students in year 8 it was their first visit to a Gurdwara temple, and as well as learning a lot students were also very well fed in the langar hall. They enjoyed a generous feast, and the whole visit brought their Philosophy, Religion and Ethics lesson to life in a very memorable way.


    The Q?rius speaker this week was a Risk Strategist from Price Waterhouse Coopers, who gave a great insight into the world of professional services. As students are about to make their GCSE choices it is a good moment to be exposed to different career options.


    A couple of parents at the year 7 evening last week volunteered their services as a Q?rius speaker, which is much appreciated. It is about intellectual curiosity in all its forms, not just career aspirations, so if you have anything that might be of interest to talk about, please do get in touch. At parents evening many many families reported how well their children have settled in, and how busy they are. With sporting success, student leadership elections and performance rehearsals every week, it is easy to see why. You’ll be able to catch our performers on the stage outside Andrew Pearce at 6.20 on Thursday 30th November as part of Pinner Panto. It is a fabulous community event. See you there!


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  • Going places

    Published 18/10/17, by Admin

    Interest in the school has been extraordinary in the last few weeks; over 1300 visitors to open evening, and overwhelming interest in tours of the school. As well as this we have had our termly visit from the Department for Education, hosted theatre company the ‘Riot Act’, took to the stage at the Heath Robinson museum celebrations, enjoyed the second guest speaker in our Q?rius programme, held our ski trip parents meeting and somehow found ourselves at the end of the first half term of our second year!


    Our Year 8 students were brilliant tour guides on Open Evening, with lots of feedback noting what excellent ambassadors they are. Seeing the school at work is a great way to see if it is right for your child, and a prospective parent left today saying that it is a ‘beautiful school’. With £4 million of refurbishment work taking place when Avanti House leave us in just a few months, hopefully even more of it will fit that description soon!


    During tours of the school, students often talk about their favourite parts of school life. The Q?rius programme features in this more and more, and the guest speaker this week, Criminal Barrister Lucy Sweetland of 2 Bedford Row Chambers, shared some fascinating insights into life in Court, the legal system in the UK, and her time volunteering with a charity representing death row inmates in the US. Students were spellbound, and even had the chance to try on her gown and wig!


    Continuing the theme of making judgements, the Department for Education during their inspection last week confirmed all the judgements we have made about ourselves since we have been open; there is plenty still to do, but the school has had the very best of starts. Being rated ‘Outstanding’ by parents, students and staff in all categories is certainly a very positive endorsement at this point in the school’s development. I shared with the inspector lots of our student progress data, including the remarkable improvement in student reading ages during our first year. Average student progress was to add 2.2 months to their reading age for every month they were in the school.


    As well as our own students on stage at the Heath Robinson Museum celebrations this weekend, the ‘Riot Act’ presented their theatre and workshop around the theme of road safety last week. Secondary school students are statistically the most at risk group as pedestrians, and such safety reminders are hugely important. Safety, as well as excitement, were high on the agenda when we met with the parents of the students lucky enough to be going on our ski trip this year. With 25 students signed up for this trip, and 40 for the trip to Spain and 40 for China the year after, students at Pinner High School are going places!

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  • Second time around

    Published 18/09/17, by Admin

    The Pinner Village Show was a great place to be to start last week. I enjoyed chatting to lots of local families from our stall in the Memorial Park. Many visitors remember the school with much affection in its previous guises as Pinner County School or Heathfield, telling me how the site has changed over the years. It is great to write a new chapter for a building that has been a school since 1937 and is going from strength to strength.

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  • 'String of Awards'

    Published 08/09/17, by Admin

    Year 2 is underway! It is wonderful to welcome our second year group to Pinner HIgh School. Our new Year 7s are settling in really well. One parent sent in a lovely message about their child who "had a fantastic first day and is feeling very positive and happy about his experience... He was smiling leaving for school and still smiling when he came home. He can't wait to go back again tomorrow to do it all again." Long may that continue!

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  • An Inspector Calls

    Published 18/07/17, by Admin


    Our first end of year production 'Bugsy Malone' was a great success last week. Lots of fun was had with custard pies and splurge guns! There is a great array of talent in the year group, and as usual it was easy to forget that everyone in the cast was in Year 7.

    This was the same opinion of an Ofsted Inspector that Governors and I invited to school a couple of weeks ago to help evaluate our progress so far this year. Amongst some useful development ideas he concluded we have 'the model for an outstanding school' and that Pinner HIgh School is a 'very special place'. Further evaluation came in the surveys of students, parents and staff, conducted on our behalf by Kirkland Rowell. They link the survey questions to Ofsted inspection criteria, and benchmark against other schools. It is especially pleasing, therefore, for every group to rate us as 'Outstanding' in every category. Additional validation came last week with the EQ Equalities Award. Governors' initial vision statement referred to an 'inclusive school for the whole community' so this award has particular resonance. Further success came yesterday following our Investors in People Health and Wellbeing accreditation. We have been recommended for the award following a full day inspection. A successful end to the year!

    As well as these external evaluations, the student experience is the key measure of success at Pinner High School. Over 60 students, all those who represented the school in a sports team this year, spent the day at the Olympic Stadium in Stratford at the World Para-athletic Championships this week. Over 40 students were involved in the production of 'Bugsy Malone' last week. Many others will be on stage on the last day of term on Friday, receiving an award at our inaugural Prizegiving, celebrating our Trailblazing year. Thank you for all your support. We are all looking forward to the second chapter!

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  • Pinner High: Case Study of Best Practice

    Published 30/06/17, by Admin

    Our inaugural Pinnfest was a great success this week: fabulous performances by the rock band, an impressive acoustic set, and a superb standard of work on display in the exhibition. One visitor commented that he needed to be reminded that all the students are in Year 7 given the highs standard on display throughout. More than 200 people attended, and enjoyed cakes, teas and mocktails. Many thanks to all involved!

    Earlier in the week our athletics team represented the borough in the county championships; we are the only school where both boys and girls teams were invited to attend. Our cricketers have qualified for the semi finals of the local competition, and our rounders team represented the school admirably against older students this week too.

    Alongside this, over 40 students are involved in the production of 'Bugsy Malone' running from 13-15th July. Tickets are available on Parentpay, or from It promises to be a brilliant show.

    You may have seen our banners noting our involvement in 'The Parliamentary Review 2017'. This is an annual Government publication that highlights and shares case studies of good practice in the education industry. To be selected for inclusion in our first year is very special, and a real endorsement of the first class education Pinner High School students are receiving every day. Inspiring Learning indeed!  

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  • Surveys and reports

    Published 16/06/17, by Admin

    The girls tennis team had a successful debut at the borough tournament this week. They returned with certificates for their third place; the first time several of them had represented the school and played competitive matches. A great result!

    Last month I commissioned a Safeguarding Audit of the school at governors' request, following recent local and national events. Two experts from the Local Authority visited for the day, talking to students, staff and governors, and going through policies and procedures in great detail. They opened their 'Key Findings' feedback by noting that "Pinner High School is indeed well led and managed in respect of safeguarding. The Chair of the Governing body and the Headteacher have a clear strategic vision to ensure safeguarding key duties are undertaken effectively." The report goes on:  "The students say they feel safe. According to the students interviewed incidents of bullying are very rare. The students were well informed regarding how to keep themselves safe and who to go to if they felt unsafe or had a concern." This is always reassuring to read and given the current climate we will never be complacent about these crucial aspects of safety and wellbeing.

    We had further positive inspection feedback in the Department for Education's third term report, which we received this week. Also this week the Spanish trip for Easter 2018 became oversubscribed, along with the Ski trip to Italy in February 2018. There are good numbers signed up to the China trip and Costa Rica trips for 2019. Exciting times! All of this tells us we have active and engaged students.

    Parents, students and staff are engaged this week completing surveys about the first year of Pinner High School. It has been a brilliant year-and not over yet with plenty more opportunities to come- but we will always have an eye firmly on the future as the school grows. Hearing feedback makes sure the challenge of doubling in size is seen with the benefit of feedback from all stakeholders about the experiences of this year.  

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