Headteacher’s Challenge Clubs this term promise to be a highlight. Students yesterday chose from 18 different options, from which they will have 2 every week for the
next half term: Golf, Cricket, Fashion, Chinese Film, Bugsy Malone rehearsals, Art, Mindfulness, TfL Entrepreneurs, Creative writing, Carnegie Shadowing, Science, Rock Band, Environmental, Tennis, Athletics, Netball, Spanish Film, Stretch and Challenge. The clubs are grouped into 4; Sports, Community, Arts and Innovator, and the more different groups of clubs they participate in, the higher the level of Headteacher’s Challenge they will be eligible for at the end of term. House Events also form part of the Headteacher's Challenge, and this week Malala House won a tense netball final against Ali House.
Although it is only the first week back at school, rehearsals are in full swing for our inaugural end of year musical, ‘Bugsy Malone’. Performances will be on 13 and 14th July, with booking details available nearer the time. We will also host our first summer concert, on 29th June, featuring music and art works in an informal ‘prom’ style atmosphere with refreshments. Before then students are looking forward to their activities week, which will see the whole year group off timetable during the week beginning 15th May. They will have a range of enrichment activities, trips and House Events that bring life to the motto ‘Inspiring Learning’.
As well as all this, students have been enjoying their usual range of lessons. Assessments took place this week in Maths and Science, and after teacher assessment and students' own reflections, they will be sent home for families to see too. Progress data puts us ahead of expectations compared to student starting points, which is very pleasing indeed. Student Government are being consulted about the timing of their end of year exams, and these dates will be published shortly.
Today sees the last of our first, first week of term. I don’t know where the time has gone. Support staff advertisements are currently on our website to join our growing team in September to provide first class service to our students. If you are interested in being part of our local success story, please do send in an application before the deadline of 27th April. Here is a link to the Staff Recruitment area of the school website, with more candidate information: http://www.pinnerhighschool.co.uk/page/Default.asp?pid=3&action=saved