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Headteacher's Blog

Here is a round up of our blog posts, keeping you informed about the life and times of Pinner High School.


Page 13

  • Team of the Year

    Published 09/06/17, by Admin

    Many congratulations to all of my colleagues involved in running our extensive enrichment programme: they have been recognised with a Certificate of Excellence in the Outstanding School Team of the Year category of the Pearson Teaching Awards. As there are over 5,000 schools nationwide eligible for this accolade, this is a very impressive achievement. They put on 18 different activities every week in the last half term, providing a brilliant range of options for our students.

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  • Opening the Batting

    Published 04/05/17, by David Groves

    The Trailblazing Cricket team took to the field for the first time this week, keen to live up to the reputation established by our successful football and netball teams, who were winners and runners up in the borough tournaments. Competition for places in the team was very tough, but the spirit with which they play is very much as important as the results at the end of the match. Like the other teams earlier in the year, our debut match was successful, with a ten wicket victory over Ruislip High. Our netball teams scored victories over Nower Hill and Rooks Heath this week; it was pleasing to welcome them to our sports hall to use our first class facilities.

    Some students attended a performance of 'Refugee Boy' at the Chicken Shed theatre this week, commenting on the power of the play. One of our fields was brought alive on Wednesday afternoon with the House Rounders competition: 6 teams playing simultaneously on 3 pitches. My thanks to the expert umpiring of colleagues and the enthusiasm of students. Finals will take place during activity week. 

    Preparations continue for our first activity week, beginning on 15th May. Parents attended an information evening about the PGL adventure part of the week, and with arts and sports sessions, as well as a workshop at the Heath Robinson Museum, it promises to be an even busier week than usual.

    Governors have visited the school several times recently, seeing the students at work, speaking to them about career opportunities through Science Club, listening to 'Student Voice' sessions where they meet with Governors to talk, amongst other things, about things they like about the school and anything they would like to change as the school grows. Through these discussions and with an eye firmly on the future, students have started to create a 'Trailblazers Charter' to help our new students settle into the school in September. As our numbers will more than double, helping our students rise to the responsibility this will bring them is something we are working on all term. A draft of the Charter is attached below, please feel free to email in comments on it, as students continue to develop this with staff guidance.

    As we are in our final term of the year, we are developing our school evaluation processes, and have our final Department for Education check up of the year in a couple of weeks. There have been 22 lesson observations this year, 6 of which were paired observations where a school senior leader observed the lesson with either a DfE adviser, or a Headteacher from the Harrow Academies Trust. Teaching has always been observed to be 'Good' or better, with a great deal of outstanding practice. This is a great position to be in, and I know the teachers starting with us in September will enrich students' experiences still further.

    Interviews for our support staff posts take place next week, and as we are fully staffed with teachers for September, it is an exciting time to be a part of the school.

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  • Welcome Back

    Published 21/04/17, by David Groves



    Headteacher’s Challenge Clubs this term promise to be a highlight. Students yesterday chose from 18 different options, from which they will have 2 every week for the

    next half term: Golf, Cricket, Fashion, Chinese Film, Bugsy Malone rehearsals, Art, Mindfulness, TfL Entrepreneurs, Creative writing, Carnegie Shadowing, Science, Rock Band, Environmental, Tennis, Athletics, Netball, Spanish Film, Stretch and Challenge. The clubs are grouped into 4; Sports, Community, Arts and Innovator, and the more different groups of clubs they participate in, the higher the level of Headteacher’s Challenge they will be eligible for at the end of term. House Events also form part of the Headteacher's Challenge, and this week Malala House won a tense netball final against Ali House.


    Although it is only the first week back at school, rehearsals are in full swing for our inaugural end of year musical, ‘Bugsy Malone’. Performances will be on 13 and 14th July, with booking details available nearer the time. We will also host our first summer concert, on 29th June, featuring music and art works in an informal ‘prom’ style atmosphere with refreshments. Before then students are looking forward to their activities week, which will see the whole year group off timetable during the week beginning 15th May. They will have a range of enrichment activities, trips and House Events that bring life to the motto ‘Inspiring Learning’.


    As well as all this, students have been enjoying their usual range of lessons. Assessments took place this week in Maths and Science, and after teacher assessment and students' own reflections, they will be sent home for families to see too. Progress data puts us ahead of expectations compared to student starting points, which is very pleasing indeed. Student Government are being consulted about the timing of their end of year exams, and these dates will be published shortly.  


    Today sees the last of our first, first week of term. I don’t know where the time has gone. Support staff advertisements are currently on our website to join our growing team in September to provide first class service to our students. If you are interested in being part of our local success story, please do send in an application before the deadline of 27th April. Here is a link to the Staff Recruitment area of the school website, with more candidate information:

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  • Happy Easter

    Published 31/03/17, by David Groves

    Our first second term ended today, with a celebratory assembly of all that the students have accomplished. This included a student rock band, drama sketch, certificates for the Headteacher's Challenge, Science Week prizes, awards for the Pinner High School Values, a section presented by House Leaders and a Bollywood dance. As a way of capturing the ethos of the school, that list is very representative!

    Students have had a brilliant term; sports tournament winners, visitors to the Globe and the British Library, opportunities to try new things and practice skills in existing areas of interest. The environmental club have been recognised with an RHS Level 1 award. House Events continue to be keenly contested, with Bannister leading the way with one term to go before the House Cup is awarded for the first time.

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  • On Show

    Published 21/03/17, by David Groves

    So much going on, so little time left this term! Girls Netball runners-up in the borough championships, the inaugural Maths Challenge, Science Week with fire and primary schools, as well as positive recruitment news, and an invitation to speak at 'The Education Show'. All in a week!

    Our girls had a brilliant time on their first outing at a local netball tournament as one of twelve competing teams. They came second only to North London Collegiate School, and impressed everyone with their skills and sportsmanship. The team are coached by Mrs Pacey, who was as delighted as the returning team at the end of the competition. We hosted our own Maths Challenge for students in Year 5 last week, giving the most able mathematicians in local primary schools a taste of secondary school maths. Teams from West Lodge, Cannon Lane, Reddiford and St. John Fisher battled it out, with Reddiford emerging victorious. Pinner High School students were on hand to host and facilitate the event, which they did very effectively. Our students were also involved in leading Science Week water rocket launches for the children of West Lodge Primary School, who came here last week as part of the week of events. Pinner High School students also experimented with methane bubbles during lunch time, with incendiary results as the photo on our social media account shows (full risk assessment in place!)

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  • Full House

    Published 07/03/17, by David Groves

    So many highlights to the week, it is hard to know where to begin: a week of World Book Day activities; a well attended Parent Information Evening on assessment and reporting; the whole year group at the Globe Theatre; and the news that all 180 offers have been made for the new Year 7 starting in September.


    World Book Day activities included staff reading from their favourite books at lunch time in the library. Students were also challenged to match the book and bookshelf to the teacher, and Homework Club this week involved the whole school community taking part in a 'Drop Everything and Read' session.


    Thanks to the many parents who attended our information session last week. With the national move away from A* to C grades it was really helpful to talk through with parents how we use grades 9-1 all the way from Year 7.


    The whole of Year 7 spent Friday at the Globe Theatre watching a performance of 'The Taming of the Shrew'. It was a very energetic and colourful production, and led to some excellent discussion after the show.


    And so to next year, with what looks like a full year group, and a waiting list already in place. For a new school to be oversubscribed in such a short time is brilliant news. Thanks for all your support.

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  • Top of the world!

    Published 24/02/17, by David Groves

    Our first international trip returned at the weekend, from a week's skiing in Austria. The group had a great time in the mountains with the students and staff of Nower Hill High School improving their technique on the slopes. They had some fresh snow during the week, and some sunshine too. We are busy planning our next trip for 2018! 

    The House Event this week was a Dragon's Den competition judged by Ms. Edens, our Travel Planner from Harrow Council. She listened to bids about heat sensors to avoid traffic accidents, an app to tell a bus driver you were in the area, but decided 'Globike' was the winner, for increasing the visibility of cyclists in the dark. Ms Edens noted the detailed research that had taken place, and the strong emphasis on safety in all of the bids. Congratulations to Bannister House on another House Event victory.

    Homework Club this week was a practical activity to engage the students in planning for next year. Each form was asked to submit a proposal locating classrooms and offices from September as we gain an additional 7 classrooms on two new corridors next year, when we will have Year 7 and 8. Discussion was very passionate, and the plans submitted were perceptive and helpful. They will certainly inform the future development of the school.

    Before the holidays we had our most recent 'Coffee and Chat', an informal occasion for parents to come and talk about school life and things that are going well, or need our attention. The event was very useful, positive and well attended. The notes are on our website for reference. The next event is on Tuesday 28th March at 2.30pm. We are holding an Information Evening on Wednesday 1st March to talk about assessments, as GCSEs will all be graded 9-1 by the time that our trailblazers take their exams. We'll also have an update on core curriculum subjects from the Heads of English, Maths and Science.

    Next week families will find out if they have been lucky enough to be offered a place with us in September. Those that are will then be invited to come and visit us again on either 6th March at 4.30pm or 8th March at 7.00pm. We had an overwhelming 790 applications, and I am excited  to meet our second year group!

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  • First Award!

    Published 10/02/17, by David Groves

    Our celebration assembly at the end of this half term was another brilliant occasion, with the finalists in the House Event spelling bee collecting certificates alongside large numbers who have completed the next part of the Head's Challenge. Students in Fashion Club put together a short film to showcase their work, which the rest of the school really enjoyed watching. Our athletes received certificates in assembly following their superb evening at the local athletics meeting, the boys coming second only to John Lyons, and the girls second only to North London Collegiate School. Illustrious company! More students were recognised in assembly for their contributions to school life through the prestigious Pinner High School Values awards.

    The school was recognised in a new way this week, receiving our first 'Healthy School Award'. For this award we are accredited for our positive approach to exercise, health education, diet, student voice and mental health. Particular congratulations to my colleagues involved in this for achieving it in record time.  

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  • Year of the Rooster

    Published 10/02/17, by David Groves

    Celebrations for Chinese New Year dominated last week. Students really enjoyed Kung Fu with the visiting Grand master and learnt some impressive moves. The House Event was a Chinese scavenger hunt, food technology lessons enabled students to cook Sweet and Sour Chicken, and our caterers provided a themed lunch too. My thanks to Mr. Fang for all his efforts welcoming the Year of the Rooster.


    We also welcomed boys from John Lyons school for some very enjoyable badminton matches, and had some early athletics trials too. Auditions are well underway for our summer production of 'Bugsy Malone'. Interest in this is brilliant, and I look forward to seeing the final cast list. I am sure many families are looking forward to the half term break. School finishes at normal time on Friday, and reopens on Tuesday 21st February for a full day.

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  • Champions!

    Published 30/01/17, by David Groves

    Celebrations this week as Pinner High School won their first sports tournament, with victory in the local schools boys football competition at Whitmore. Undefeated in the group stage, and then a tense penalty shootout victory over Cannons High, led to a a 2-1 defeat of Park High. This left Pinner High claiming our first silverware! The team will be the first to have their team photo on the 'Wall of Fame' in the Pinnacle. Congratulations to all involved. More sports success in the House Basketball competition last week, with each form entering two mixed teams each. Two teams from Malala House came out on top, in a convincing display. 

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  • Film premiere

    Published 23/01/17, by David Groves

    Positive recruitment news with which to start the week; three teachers have already been appointed from very competitive fields to join our staff from September. Further interviews are still taking place for the remaining posts. I am delighted that the quality of applicants remains so high in what is a challenging recruitment climate in many schools. Administrative and support staff posts will be advertised after half term. Do keep an eye on the Staff Recruitment page of our website.

    Further success to report in the local cross country competition, hosted in the impressive grounds of Harrow School. Our highest placed runner is a reserve for the borough team, which is a excellent result.

    The 'Lip synch' House Event took place last week; a very memorable competition as you can see from the picture above! Each form chose a performance from their group to represent them in front of the whole school. 7BX emerged victorious in dramatic style. 

    In assembly students enjoyed the premiere of the new Pinner High School film. Please click on this link to our Youtube Channel to view Pinner High School: the movie! It gives a great insight into life at the school, and my thanks to everyone involved.

    As well as recruiting staff for our growing school, we are also looking for more Governors to join the local Governing Body. Governors provide strategic oversight of the school, and are very important members of our community. If you would like to find out more, please read the information pack below where you will also find an Expression of Interest (EoI) form, or don't hesitate to contact the school.

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  • Second Edition!

    Published 16/01/17, by David Groves

    The second edition of our school magazine 'Inspiring Learning' is out now! The magazine has articles from students and teachers covering lots of aspects of our first term. The first edition was published last summer, before any children had started at the school, so it is brilliant to be able to include them this time. They have written about their favourite things, and there are articles about Student Leadership, Mindfulness and E-Safety. All students will bring a copy of it home, and there is an electronic version on our website and at the end of this blog post.


    Although we have only been back at school for one full week, students and staff are already back in the swing of things. The New Year's Resolutions assembly on our first day back seems like it was months ago. Students have 15 clubs available to them this half term, including golf, gymnastics, fashion, art, Chinese, reading, mindfulness, guitar, Dragon's Den, football, Spanish film, environmental, creative writing.


    Cross country trials took place at the end of last week, with full girls and boys teams set to follow last terms girls and boys football, badminton and netball teams in representing the school in borough matches.


    The quality of teaching and learning at Pinner High was praised by the Department for Education during their visit last term. Already this term our internal processes to continually assure high quality experiences for students are focused on our assessment methods through our current book scrutiny.

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