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Headteacher's Blog

Here is a round up of our blog posts, keeping you informed about the life and times of Pinner High School.


Page 14

  • Happy Holidays

    Published 19/12/16, by David Groves

    It was brilliant to welcome parents and friends to the school for our very first end of term concert. It was a very well attended event, with members of the audience treated to excerpts from 'A Christmas Carol' as well as festive music from the choir and soloists. As our first concert, we had a short extract from 'Make Believe' by AA Milne, which was the first show ever performed on the stage in 1939, when this was Pinner County School. All performers are to be congratulated on a brilliant evening. My particular thanks to the parents who volunteered through our embryonic Parents Association to serve refreshments at the event too. In the photograph above, Scrooge makes his entrance, complete with top hat, through the audience. At the end of the concert, one parent remarked that the team at the school are a 'credit to education, given all that has been achieved in just three months.' Great feedback to receive at the end of our first term.

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  • Lights, Camera, Action!

    Published 12/12/16, by David Groves

    This week's highlights included a trip for the whole year group to the Science Museum, the first House event organised by the House Captains, Chinese Christmas Cards, and the making of Pinner High School: the movie part 2! 

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  • Bannister Bake Off Champions!

    Published 02/12/16, by David Groves

    There has been some competition this week for the photo to accompany the weekly blog: House Bake Off, Local Schools Carol Service, Esafety for Parents, Environmental Club , or our newly installed Christmas tree?

    So many highlights to choose from! House Bake Off saw Bannister claim their first win in the House Competition with a very impressive running track inspired design. We were delighted to welcome Deena and Selma from Heriot's Bakery as our judges. They also kindly donated a very generous prize to the winning bake, which was very kind. The judges has a very difficult decision given the high standard of entries; well done to all involved.

    This morning our choir followed up their success at the Pinner Panto by starting proceedings at the local schools carol service. Readers and singers did the school proud at a very high class event. I was delighted to welcome Parents to the Esafety follow up to their children's sessions on this a couple of weeks ago. Pinner Safer Community Officers also came along to support us, which was much appreciated. I enjoyed listening to the Environmental Club pitch their ideas about how to turn the school even greener in the months ahead, so look out for flowers, herbs and vegetables growing in the months ahead. A House competition along these lines is inevitable!

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  • The best of times

    Published 25/11/16, by David Groves


    Pinner Panto, Football fixtures, Charity contributions, Inspection feedback and House Captains: the best of times at Pinner High School.

    The Trailblazers Choir at the Pinner Panto last night were fabulous, mixing Christmas music with a range of other styles. Crowds were very impressed with the quality of performance and range of talents on show. Earlier in the evening the girls football team had taken to the field in the local tournament, so it was a busy day for the multi-talented students involved in both. There will be another chance to see the choir, and more besides, at the end of term concert on 15th December at 7pm: tickets will be available soon.

    Children in Need followed on the footsteps of raising funds for the Royal British Legion, with three figure donations to each charity thanks to the generosity of the students, staff and parents. Compassion is one of the Pinner HIgh School Values, and a commitment to charity is a key part of the Headteachers Challenge, so it is very pleasing to see this as part of school life. 

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  • The beat goes on

    Published 22/11/16, by David Groves

    All students in Year 7 have experienced an African drumming workshop over the last few weeks, through workshops offered by the Harrow Music Service. Currently almost twice the national average number of students take part in instrumental lessons at Pinner High School, which bodes well for three forthcoming concerts: Pinner Panto on Pinner High Street on 24th November, the annual Pinner cluster schools carol service on 2nd December to which we are delighted to be invited, and our end of term concert on 15th December. Students are rehearsing hard, and we are all very much looking forward to it. The Parents Association will make their debut at this concert, serving refreshments at the interval, and I am very grateful for their support.

    This week House Football came to a climax featuring an all Malala final, with 7MY triumphing over 7MX. Penalty shoot outs were required more than once during the latter stages of the competition, and all teams displayed the Pinner High School Values through these very tense times!

    We were inspected by the Department for Education this week, who visit all new schools during their first term. I look forward to bringing you an update of their findings next week.

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  • Safe and Supported

    Published 11/11/16, by David Groves

    The Poppy Appeal has been well supported at Pinner High School, and on Sunday wreaths will be placed at the Eastcote and Pinner War memorials. As there has been a school on this site since 1937, it is important to be involved in such activities. An assembly will follow to include Remembrance Day and Black History Month.

    This week's House event was the keenly anticipated football competition. Each form had two teams, and the whole school was out on the football pitches on Wednesday afternoon. Additional goal posts were newly assembled for the event. The knockout stage of the event continues next week, with each House still having a team in the competition. The volume of support from the sidelines was impressive. House Captain interviews take place today, with further selection activities next week as well. 

    Students had their first 'Deep Learning Day' of the year, when the timetable is suspended for the day and replaced by a series of workshops. The theme of the day was E-safety, and was supported by staff from Digital Awareness UK. Students had a carousel of sessions to ensure they are keeping themselves safe online. It was extremely engaging and thought provoking: the internet has so many positive features, but it is essential to be aware of potential risks so they can be minimised.

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  • First second half term

    Published 04/11/16, by David Groves

    Students have picked their new series of Head's Challenge Clubs, almost half the year have requested applications to be House Captains, the football team were playing at Whitmore, and the Badminton team training too, rehearsals have started for our end of term performance; as well as this, some great learning activities and high level responses in lessons, and a visit from Cannon Lane to experience Secondary School Science: so the second half of term is clearly underway at Pinner High School!

    Clubs this half term include: Chinese Calligraphy, Graphic Novels, Mindfulness, Fashion, Drama, Table Tennis, Gymnastics (all on a Monday) and Bike It, Creative Writing, EAL, Choir, Environment, Football, Guitar and Netball (all on a Thursday). All students do two of these activities. Student Leadership was launched in assembly on Tuesday, with students able to put themselves forward for the role of House Captain. The successful applicants have a job description which includes running House Events, liaising with their peers and staff to make the school an even better place, and feeding back about the House system. More roles will be available in Student Government, Charity Coordinators, as well as Subject Trailblazers.  

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  • Smile!

    Published 20/10/16, by David Groves

    This week we had our first whole school photo, taken in front of our clocktower, just as this one was in 1947. Almost 70 years later, our first half term has come to a close with our first Celebration Assembly, that will be a regular feature at the end of each half term. Our inaugural Pinner High School Values Awards were made to one student in each Form, whilst large numbers of students received certificates for completing the Outdoor and the Arts Challenge elements of the Head's Challenge. The assembly started with a performance from the Karaoke Club, and a look back at all our events; Trailblazers Choir, first school trip, first sports teams, choir at the opening of the Heath Robinson Museum, and today the winners of our design competition attending a showcase run by Central St Martins Fellows in Critical Design. As well as all this, one visitor considering us for 2017 entry described the students she saw on a tour of the school at work as 'looking so happy and settled' whilst one visiting Primary school teacher described her former pupil as 'flourishing'.

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  • Sporting Success

    Published 14/10/16, by David Groves

    Another jam packed week- it is amazing to think that we have been open for nearly half a term. This week I have been running tours of the school for September 2017 entry, and very much enjoy showing families the school 'at work'. We visit all the classes running during a tour, and when the teacher is not in full flow, I ask the students a few questions, so that visitors can hear directly from them, having heard enough from me at Open Evening! Students were able to show off to our visitors their first full paragraphs in Spanish, the development of their Chinese character writing, and their love of Science experiments in our lab. I ask the students to tell visitors what they like about Pinner High School; some talk about House Events and Clubs (mindfulness and international foodclub take more explanation than gymnastics and karaoke, but with every child doing 2 out of the 15 activities on offer this half term, there is plenty to talk about). Food often features as a highlight, as does the trip to HOAC, but my favourite comment was from a student who, unprompted, said how safe they feel at school, and how at home they already are.

    In other news this week, the girls had their first sports fixture, an 8-3 netball victory over Avanti House; many congratulations to all involved. A re-match is a certainty! On Saturday the Trailblazers Choir will be at the opening of the Heath Robinson Museum in Pinner Memorial Park.

    The final week of the half term is just as busy as the last 5, with Parents Book Club on Monday, our first whole School photo on Tuesday (fingers crossed for the weather!) and a Coffee morning and Show My Homework drop in on Thursday. Friday is an INSET day, so school is closed to students, before reopening on Monday 31st October at the usual time.

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  • Open all hours

    Published 11/10/16, by David Groves

    The debut of the Trailblazers Choir at Open Evening was an exciting moment. Performing to over a thousand visitors was a first for everyone, and it was great to see such a high level of interest in the school. Many visitors commented on the progress made with the site since they visited last year. I am delighted I was able to show off colleagues and students, rather than being the only member of staff!

    Congestion Busting Week saw a range of activities, with a visit from Dr Bike to check bike maintenance, and the Transport Police to security mark bikes brought to school. The smoothie bike was a real hit, as students' pedal power turned fruit into a smoothie that could be immediately consumed. Walking Zones were implemented for a day, and thanks to all those who observed this, and are now considering different transport routes to school. The events were led by Sustrans and Harrow Council.

    There are several sessions for parents over the next couple of weeks, to ensure the community is involved in school life, and all our systems are being used effectively:

    ParentPay drop in 1.30-2.30pm on 10th October, Book Club 2.00-3.00pm on 17th October, Show My Homework drop in 3.00-3.45pm on 20th October, Coffee and Chat 9.00-10.00am on 20th October.

    I look forward to seeing you there.



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  • The First Eleven

    Published 30/09/16, by David Groves

    This week's photograph is one for the scrapbook: Pinner High's first sports fixture! As well as this, this week I have enjoyed visiting a range of Primary schools and had my first coffee afternoon with parents. I also had fun showing off the students to Dame Reena Keeble, one of my illustrious Governors and former Head of Cannon Lane Primary School.

    Our sporting career began victoriously in the boys tournament of 16 teams at Nower Hill. The 'A' team were unbeaten in the group games, lost a tight semi-final to Hatch End, and then won the the third place playoff on penalties. The 'B' team were runners-up in their group. All students involved were fabulous ambassadors for the school, exhibiting the Pinner High School Values, regardless of the result on the pitch. It was a memorable occasion. The girls event is in a few weeks time. If there is anyone who would like to sponsor our kits, I have promised the team they can be involved in designing it. Do get in touch.

    Primary visits are always fun, and I have had warm welcomes at West Lodge, Cannon Lane, Newnham, Field End and Harlyn schools in the last couple of weeks. There is clearly lots of interest in the school, which is always pleasing. Our Open Day is on Monday 3rd, 5-8pm, when I hope to talk to even more families. The whole of Year 7 form the 'Trailblazers Choir' who will be making their debut.

    Congestion busting week, starts on Monday, with a range of activities each day. Thursday will be the 'walking zone' event, when families will be asked to drop children off further from school to get them used to walking. More details of this will follow.

    Many thanks to all those who came along to the coffee afternoon. There were lots of questions and ideas, and I have tried to capture them below so that any families who missed out can catch up from the notes. Have a lovely weekend.

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  • All Aboard

    Published 23/09/16, by David Groves

    A brilliant week at Pinner High School: a House Relay win for Ali House, a fabulous first school trip, and some edible homework stand out as highlights.

    The House competition was finely poised at the start of the week, but Ali have now pulled ahead with their second win in three events. The House Relay involved teams running, hopping, skipping and wheelbarrow-ing across the sports hall in quick succession. The support from those watching was a big part of the event, in a very collaborative atmosphere. House events bring life to the Pinner Values really effectively: the values of our first two weeks, Kindness and Collaboration showing this really well.

    The Value this week is Balance, which seems an appropriate choice as the whole school spent yesterday at the Hillingdon Outdoor Activity Centre (HOAC). Learning takes place in so many ways, and seeing students stretching themselves on high ropes or raft building made balance even more apt! Most of the rafts floated successfully, though those on rafts that did not reported that the water was cold. The afternoon Games Circuit proved very competitive, and despite demands for a recount, I am pleased to report that the Headteacher's group emerged triumphant! All students who attended yesterday have now completed the first part of the Outdoor Adventure element of the Head's Challenge.

    Another aspect of the Head's Challenge is Charity Work. Today is Jeans for Genes day, during which we will have raised nearly £200 for charity as students and staff donated £1 to wear their jeans to school. They have been learning about cells in Science, which led to the edible homework: cake and jelly in the shape of different parts of the cell. This morning one student even made the connection between 'Wonder', genetics and today's event.

    Looking further ahead, students will today bring home details of the 'Trailblazers Choir' performances at Open Evening on 3rd October of which they are all a part. Families may also want to be aware of the individual photos being taken on 30th September, and the whole school photograph scheduled for 18th October. Details of February's ski trip in collaboration with Nower Hill, to whom I am very appreciative, will also be coming home. The Pinner High School Values run deep.

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