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Headteacher's Blog

Here is a round up of our blog posts, keeping you informed about the life and times of Pinner High School.


Page 15

  • First Full Week

    Published 16/09/16, by David Groves

    Our first full week at Pinner High School! Our second House Event led to a reversal of fortunes from the previous week, as the challenge turned more creative: to celebrate Roald Dahl's 100th birthday, each form decorated their door in the style of one of his books. The results were amazing, including Malala House involving music and a class ensemble, as well as very colourful visual arts. There was even a toy monkey hanging from the door of a Bannister House group. We began rehearsals for the Open Day Trailblazer Choir: every member of Year 7 will be singing on October 3rd for the 2017 Admissions event. Last year I had no students to show off, so this year I am determined to make up for that by involving them all.

    More firsts included a very well attended Welcome Event for new families, which was a chance to put names to faces and build our community. Thanks to all who came out on such a rainy evening. The slides from the presentation are on our website. I enjoy showing off our new facilities, this week with visitors from my Governing Body and Harrow's Education team. If you would like to stand for election as a Parent Governor, please look at the details on our website.

    There will be lots of firsts over the next few years at Pinner High School, and I delighted to be able to share them with you.

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  • Lift Off!

    Published 09/09/16, by David Groves

    A memorable week! It has been brilliant to see Pinner High School come to life so spectacularly. There have been new highlights every day in our week of firsts: first House Event, first Homework Club, first Headteacher's Challenge Clubs.

    Ali House triumphed in our first House event, the Tug of War. The sports hall was filled with noise, and every student took part for their House. Whilst Ali take a lead in the House competition, Bannister and Malala are in hot pursuit. The House theme continued into the first Homework Club, with students first researching and then writing to the person their House is named after. They will then have the creative opportunity to build from arts and crafts materials a house that reflects the values of their namesake. I am looking forward to seeing these. The first club afternoon on Thursday was an opportunity for students to hear about each activity, and then decide which two they would like to join. There are 16 options: mindfulness, basketball, gymnastics, drama, karaoke, reading, international food, environment, football, netball, Spanish, choir, creative writing, debate and guitar. Clubs are spread across Mondays and Thursdays.

    Next week we have our Welcome Evening for parents, starting at 7.00pm on Thursday 15th September. This will be an opportunity to meet your child's form tutor as well as other parents in your child's form. There will be brief presentations on helping your child in English, Maths and Science, as well as more details of the trip to Hillingdon Outdoor Activity Centre.

    Thanks to all families for making drop off and pickup run smoothly. 'Dr. Bike' will be here on 5th October to check any student and staff bikes are safe, to encourage even more cycling to school.

    Although the term has only just begun, we have had lots of enquiries about admissions for 2017. Our open day is Monday 3rd October, from 5.00-8.00pm. Students in Year 7 will be involved in a whole school choir- watch this space!

    In my assembly on the first day of term I set all students the target of doing something new to challenge and stretch themselves at Pinner High School. My challenge this year is going to be to learn to juggle, physically as well as metaphorically. I borrowed some juggling balls from my daughter to show students that I cannot yet accomplish this, but that 'yet' is the key word. They too will find things that they cannot do- yet. But just as I will learn to juggle, they will meet and surpass their targets. It has been an action packed week, with so much more to come.

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  • Full time

    Published 14/07/16, by David Groves

    With the end of term fast approaching, and the countdown clock about to click past 50 days until opening, the pace of activity is building and building.

    I have chosen floor colours, sofa fabrics and cupboard door handles, and the refurbishment programme remains on track. House Board designs are coming together, now that the students have named them. Over the summer the school signage will take on the Pinner green. This week I met with a core group who will form the Parents Association in September, and invite all parents to join them. We have numerous events planned through the first term, and I look forward to meeting as many families as possible.

    Friday and Saturday of this week sees our first public theatre event. As a local school I am keen to host community events, and I am delighted to welcome Interrupt the Routine's award winning production of 'The Gin Chronicles' to Pinner High, before they head up to the Edinburgh Festival. There are still tickets available. Here is The Trailer, and some Audience Feedback from their recent London shows. You can book tickets:

    I look forward to bringing these sorts of opportunities to our students when they join us. We have our first school trip booked for September to the Hillingdon Outdoor Activity Centre, places available on the Nower Hill High School ski trip for our students, and parents already signing their children to instrumental music lessons through the Harrow Music Service.

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  • Results are in!

    Published 05/07/16, by David Groves

    Our first induction day was great fun; students followed the trail of Pinner High School balloons to our entrance, where Science experiments, Chinese lessons, PE games and Art activities provided plenty of opportunities for the students to get to know each other and their teachers. The student art work will be on display in reception when the school opens in September. We talked about the Pinner High School Values, and different ways students had shown them during the day, and how they could continue to do so in September.

    Students were excited to vote to decide the House names. In the morning assembly they heard about each of the contenders, so they could make an informed decision. The result was announced at the end of the day. From 'Inspiring Local People' Roger Bannister edged out Heath Robinson. 'Inspiring Women' was a victory for Malala Yousufzai, and 'Inspiring Diversity' was a knockout win for Muhammed Ali. The winning colours were red, blue and purple, from a list of six, which one student from each house pulled from a hat to decide which house was attached to which colour.

    The day featured in the Harrow Times. Click here to read the article.

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  • H to P!

    Published 28/06/16, by David Groves

    Observant visitors to the school will have noticed a dramatic change to the topiary on the drive this week. The 'H' that once welcomed visitors to Heathfield School for Girls has now metamorphosed into a 'P' to greet visitors to Pinner High School. Exciting times!

    Last week saw the annual Harrow Headteachers Conference, which was very engaging and thought provoking. Guest speakers and group activities ensured we all came away with new ideas to drive schools forward in the local area. Collaboration in Harrow is very strong, and the existence of Pinner High School bears testament to that, as it is the local Heads who make up the Harrow Academies Trust that created our school, and continue to lend strong support as it grows.

    My visits to our Primary Schools continued last week with Newnham, and I was delighted to host their Headteacher Mrs Nahal here at Pinner High as well. This week is a particularly exciting one as all the children who are joining us in September are spending the day here on Wednesday to give them a taste of what life will be like at Pinner High School. This helps the smooth transition to secondary school. Students will be naming the school Houses as part of the day's activities, from the nominations received from visitors over the last year. Nominations are in three categories: Inspiring Local People, Inspiring Women and Inspiring Diversity. The votes will be counted as quickly as possible, and students will know by the end of the day what the House names will be. I look forward to sharing the result next week.

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  • Inspiring Learning

    Published 20/06/16, by David Groves

    A very exciting week, with our new staff induction day, meeting all the parents of the students who will join us in September, more school visits, the first edition of our school magazine, building updates and excellent transport initiatives.

    All my colleagues spent the day with me at Pinner High on Thursday. We had a brilliant day, working on our approaches to feedback and assessment, keeping the student centred vision and values of the school at the heart of all our planning. This was followed by an information session for parents, where they were all given our first Parent Guide, and found out a bit more about the Induction Day on 29th June when all our new students will spend the day with us. Students will name the school Houses on Induction Day, from a shortlist nominated by any visitors to the school this year. The Parent Guide is available on the 'Student Admissions' section of the website.

    Whitchurch, Roxbourne and Longfield hosted my visits this week, where it was a pleasure to meet the young people who will shortly be joining us. I was able to give copies of the first edition of our school magazine, 'Inspiring Learning', to these schools. The magazine is available below. Many thanks to Andrew Pearce for their generous sponsorship of this publication.

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  • An Inspector Calls

    Published 14/06/16, by David Groves
    A brilliant first week back after the half term break: our Ofsted Inspection, hosting the London Youth Games Basketball tournament for local Primary Schools, meetings with the EFA, more primary school visits and useful conversations with the Harrow Collegiate Teaching Schools Alliance, and as well as all that, positive feedback from the Department for Education's 'Readiness to Open Meeting.'
    The DfE ROM confirmed everything is on track with the school development- as it should be- but it is always good to have this rigorously and independently confirmed. Ofsted then conducted a very thorough review of processes, and will publish feedback later in the year. They judge whether a school is likely to be 'Good' or better upon opening, so I shall share their judgement when it is available. 
    The highlight of the week was certainly seeing our sports hall filled with students from West Lodge, Roxeth, Pinner Park, Norbury, Welldon Park, and eventual winners Whitchurch, pictured. All students represented their schools impressively. Thanks to Avanti House for being so accommodating for the event. 
    The EFA and architects presented plans for the next phases of refurbishment over the coming years, which will ensure the facilities continue to be upgraded as the school grows. The plans are now being developed in more detail, and I look forward to sharing them in due course. The current refurbishment programme continues to be on schedule, despite the torrential downpours! 
    I enjoyed visits to Coteford, Cannon Lane and West Lodge this week. I look forward to welcoming all parents who have children joining this September to Pinner High on Thursday night. The aim of the event is to ensure a smooth start for everyone in September, and I'll be talking them through our Parent Guide, and sharing our plans for the Transition Induction Day on 29th June when all the children are with us for the day. The first edition of our school magazine arrives the same day, so I'll be sharing that too. Watch this space for the e-version! 
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  • Pinner High School Values

    Published 25/05/16, by David Groves

    Last week was one filled with interviews; for Finance, Clerk to Governors and Receptionist/student support. All had first class candidates, and I look forward to bringing you news of the successful candidates once the paperwork is completed. More interviews this week, for Teaching Assistants, a Technician and Cover Supervisor. I continue to be overwhelmed with the quality and quantity of applicants; thanks to everyone who has applied. It is frustrating not to have more posts available, given the large number of talented people who will inevitably be disappointed. As a growing school we shall be recruiting for a great deal of positions over the next few years, so please do stay in touch. Of course, being overwhelmed with great applications does mean that those who are appointed are absolutely brilliant, and our community can only benefit from that.

    Our refurbishment remains on track, we are making progress with catering arrangements, and starting to order the equipment we will need for September, from paper and pens to tables and chairs and everything in between. I am also making progress with our first school magazine, from which the image above is taken. The Pinner High School Values will underpin all that we do, and everything I expect from students and staff.

    My Primary school visits continued last week too, this time to Heathland School to meet the students there who are lucky enough to be coming to Pinner High School in September. They all seemed excited and a little nervous, which is very normal in this situation! I really enjoy meeting my future students rather than being stuck in an office. Roll on September!

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  • 'Low Risk!'

    Published 16/05/16, by David Groves

    The calendar seems to be accelerating: the refurbishment programme continues apace, with excellent progress over the last few weeks. Similar progress with IT and catering, and many of the 'behind the scenes' aspects of school life are coming together. More useful and productive meetings with the Harrow High School Heads, and a day at the New Schools Network. I enjoyed meeting more parents last week on a range of tours, some for 2016 entry and some for 2017. To each of them I am able to report our successes, and real excitement as September gets ever closer.

    The big milestone next week is the Department for Education 'Readiness for Opening' meeting. This meeting is designed to ensure the school will be able to provide at least a 'Good' level of education from day 1. This is a significant event in establishing a new school, bringing together the Chair of the Harrow Academies Trust with other key members of the pre-opening team, and significant documentation to demonstrate our progress. However, the Department for Education have classified us as 'low risk' -they are right, of course- and  have chosen to hold the meeting over the telephone instead. Our Ofsted inspection is due shortly after that. This will be held in person, and I look forward to sharing more news of this as it emerges.

    In other news, I shall shortly be asking local businesses if they would like to sponsor activities and events at Pinner High School. Our first school magazine will be available soon, and welcome events, Head's Challenge and other activities may be attractive to sponsors in the local area. The blog has a weekly readership of around 1,000; if you would like to be involved, do email Mary:

    There are interviews for Support Staff posts on each of the next 6 days, so I look forward to bringing news of the final team who will open Pinner High School with me in September. Perhaps the calendar really is speeding up, or perhaps it is just the effect of the countdown on the school homepage!

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  • Old and new

    Published 09/05/16, by David Groves

    A week of old and new: work is underway on the new Design Technology facility, and at the Pinner Old Students annual visit to the school at the weekend, memorabilia on display from the original opening of the school in 1937. I very much enjoyed meeting former students and staff from Pinner County, Pinner Grammar and Pinner Sixth Form at the reception. The link to Pinner High School is a living one, and brings to life the traditional values I often talk about with parents. Taking place the same week as our refurbishment is appropriate, as Pinner High looks to the future; to mandarin teaching, integrating technology into school life, and the excitement of a growing school.

    Another group of families came to Pinner High last week following the offer of a place in September. Students seemed as excited as I am, with one commenting that he would like to start straight away. I would like to agree, were there not a great deal of work to be done by then! I had a brilliant response to the Support Staff adverts that closed on Friday. I am enjoying reading high quality applications and look forward to interviews next week. I also enjoyed visiting West Lodge and Cannon Lane primary schools last week, and will visit more over the coming weeks-  continuing the theme of old and new; the oldest students in primaries coming to their new school.


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  • Extending provision

    Published 29/04/16, by David Groves

    As constructions starts on our new Design Technology facility next week, it seemed appropriate to share the image above from a 1950s Pinner County Grammar cookery lesson. Former students from this school attend a reception every year at Beaulieu Drive, and I look forward to meeting them next week, and talking through the transformation the school is currently undergoing.

    Before a new school can open, the Department for Education conduct a 'Readiness for Opening Meeting' with the Head, Chair of Governors and Chair of Trustees. It is an important milestone in the development of Pinner High School. There is a good deal of correspondence in advance of this meeting, which is scheduled for the end of May. In the course of this information exchange, Pinner High was referred to by the DfE as a 'low risk project'. They are right, of course, and this is an excellent endorsement of the strong level of local support, and the high level of recruitment of students and staff.

    The local support has been evident in several meetings this week: firstly at the Harrow Chemistry Hub meeting led by the University of Hertfordshire and the Royal Society of Chemistry funded by the Mayor's Fund for Excellence in Schools hosted at Harrow High. Science teaching is going to get off to a flying start at Pinner High, and this high level support is a great benefit to all schools. I also had a very enjoyable time attending the Alternative Provision conference at The Jubilee Academy, learning more about the important work they do. Jubilee are currently on site at Beaulieu Drive until July. Their own building project is proceeding ahead of schedule, which is excellent news for all involved. More local support was evident from the Harrow Music Service who came to visit this week. It was great to plan the highly regarded music tuition they will be able to provide. We also discussed workshop ideas, and perhaps the first performance opportunities for the first students at Pinner High School. Watch this space for more developments!

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  • On Track

    Published 22/04/16, by David Groves

    This week good news on a number of fronts: the refurbishment works to create our new Design Technology facility are on schedule to begin on 3rd May. This will bring 4 brand new classrooms to deliver lessons in Food Technology, Graphics, Art and Resistant Materials in September. Design Technology is a fast changing subject, and having state of the art facilities and the latest equipment to teach these subjects will deliver a fabulous learning environment for our trailblazing students- and those that follow. I have been lucky to work with Emma Pacey, our incoming Head of Year 7, who is currently Head of the Technology Faculty at Nower Hill HIgh School on this project. Emma has already designed the excellent facilities they use at Nower Hill, so she brings all that experience to Pinner High. The attention to detail has been highly impressive: I can't wait for the work to start so the students can show off the new facilities when the school opens.

    Other good news is the progress our ICT partner, European Electronique, have made in a short time. Althought they were only appointed a couple of weeks ago we have already worked through our equipment requirements, and they have been on site to ensure the cabling is all up to standard. As they already work with the Jubilee Academy, who are using the Pinner High School site until they return to their permanent home on Lowlands Road in July, they are familiar with the accommodation. We have settled on a combination of laptops and ipads as the most flexible devices for students to use in September. We can then see what we will need as the school grows, and the technology develops even further. Being able to add new technology over the years the school develops means that what we buy for our trailblazers once they reach Sixth Form probably hasn't been invented yet!

    The final phase of our pre-opening recruitment is now underway. There has been a high level of interest already, and I look forward to reading more applications in the coming weeks.


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