62 Bronze Duke of Edinburgh participants from Year 9 alongside 10 colleagues hiked over 12 km from Ruislip Lido to Rickmansworth Aquadrome in record time last weekend. All students demonstrated their teamwork and navigation skills, and a few Pinner Values along the way. We had great weather and a great start to the DofE season! Our inaugural Gold expedition set off today. We wish them well on this most demanding part of a very prestigious award.
Last night was a wonderful evening of music at our first concert of the year. Soloists and groups, Year 7 and Sixth Formers all came together during a lovely event. 'We don't talk about Bruno' was a fabulous finale! We look forward to Pinnfest on 7th July- a date for your diaries- the first time we have been able to hold this in person in several years.
This time of year is always focused on exams, and our Year 11 students are rapidly reaching them. Orals in Mandarin and Spanish have already begun. We wish all our students every possible success with this. I was delighted to talk to Year 11 parents on a Zoom call this week to make sure they are as well equipped as possible to support their children at home too.