This week we had our first whole school photo, taken in front of our clocktower, just as this one was in 1947. Almost 70 years later, our first half term has come to a close with our first Celebration Assembly, that will be a regular feature at the end of each half term. Our inaugural Pinner High School Values Awards were made to one student in each Form, whilst large numbers of students received certificates for completing the Outdoor and the Arts Challenge elements of the Head's Challenge. The assembly started with a performance from the Karaoke Club, and a look back at all our events; Trailblazers Choir, first school trip, first sports teams, choir at the opening of the Heath Robinson Museum, and today the winners of our design competition attending a showcase run by Central St Martins Fellows in Critical Design. As well as all this, one visitor considering us for 2017 entry described the students she saw on a tour of the school at work as 'looking so happy and settled' whilst one visiting Primary school teacher described her former pupil as 'flourishing'.
As well as busy, happy students, parents have been involved in the first half term at Pinner High School; today's coffee morning, our second, and Show My Homework drop-in, Book Club, and ParentPay drop-in have all taken place in the last few weeks. Parent Governors have been elected and contributed to their first meeting. I am delighted to welcome them, along with our staff governor, to the important work of the Governing Body.
Of course, there is plenty more work to do. Students will be looking forward to the launch of our Leadership programme after the holiday: coveted House Captain posts will be available, with other roles to ensure students have a voice in the development of their school. Look out for us at Pinner Panto in November, our first concert in December, but before then a chance for a break.
I look forward to welcoming students back to school, refreshed by a week off, for another action packed half term. The first one has been brilliant!