A very exciting week, with our new staff induction day, meeting all the parents of the students who will join us in September, more school visits, the first edition of our school magazine, building updates and excellent transport initiatives.
All my colleagues spent the day with me at Pinner High on Thursday. We had a brilliant day, working on our approaches to feedback and assessment, keeping the student centred vision and values of the school at the heart of all our planning. This was followed by an information session for parents, where they were all given our first Parent Guide, and found out a bit more about the Induction Day on 29th June when all our new students will spend the day with us. Students will name the school Houses on Induction Day, from a shortlist nominated by any visitors to the school this year. The Parent Guide is available on the 'Student Admissions' section of the website.
Whitchurch, Roxbourne and Longfield hosted my visits this week, where it was a pleasure to meet the young people who will shortly be joining us. I was able to give copies of the first edition of our school magazine, 'Inspiring Learning', to these schools. The magazine is available below. Many thanks to Andrew Pearce for their generous sponsorship of this publication.
Our builders are making good progress despite the weather's attempts to derail them, and with Jubilee's work running ahead of schedule, everything remains on track for the start of the year. I met with 'Bike It' to discuss transport initiatives for the new school year and incentivise sustainable transport to and from school. You can read more about it in 'Inspiring Learning'. It is all feeling very real now!