Difficult decisions!
Recruitment preparation took a great deal of last week. Shortlisting from 128 applications took longer than I anticipated, which is a great problem to have! The calibre of candidates was extremely high, and I am sorry not to have been able to see more of the teachers keen to join the team. My view from the clocktower office was beautifully clear this week, looking out towards Harrow on the Hill, as I considered all the applications.
All candidates invited for interview are asked to teach a lesson, which presents a bit of a problem for a school with no students. However, the support from local schools has been invaluable, and interview days at Bentley Wood, Hatch End, Canons High School and with students from Avanti House on site at Pinner High School has been very much appreciated.
With candidates for 5 posts, scheduling lesson observations and interviews for each of them, each in a different school, with lesson topics for each individual has reminded me why I am delighted my PA is joining me at the start of February.
I look forward to sharing details of the people joining the trail blazing team of Pinner High School as they are appointed.