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Sixth Form admissions

Existing Pinner High School students may continue to study in the Sixth Form, providing they meet the entry requirements of the Sixth Form and their selected courses. Existing students are required to apply using the form linked below.

A collegiate system operates at Sixth Form level within Harrow and some courses are offered through this arrangement. As a result, some students from other schools and/or colleges join courses at a particular Sixth Form and some students from the school may join sixth form courses in other schools and/or colleges.

Any applications from students who are not currently students at Pinner High School will be judged according to the same entry requirements of the school and their selected subjects and will be offered places if there are spaces available in those subjects.

If a student wishes to apply to another Harrow Collegiate school they must complete the Harrow Collegiate application form. This form requires students to list their chosen schools in order of preference.

How to apply

Applications for 2025 Sixth Form entry open on Monday 4th November 2024 and will close on Friday 17th January 2025.

Option 1: Complete the online form linked below if Pinner High School is your top choice.


Option 2: If you would like to apply to other Harrow Schools, please use the Harrow Sixth Form Collegiate application form which is available to download at the bottom of this page. This form allows you to indicate your schools in order of preference. You will need the school office to stamp this form for you.

If you have any questions relating to Sixth Form admissions, please email

Please note that this particular form should only be completed by students who are currently studying at a school within Harrow and should be returned to your current school when completed.

External students should note that offers will be made on the basis of predicted graded (judged against our entry criteria) and whether or not there is likely to be space on your chosen courses.


16-19 bursary and financial support

The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help eligible students overcome the specific financial barriers to participation they face so they can remain in education.  For further information, eligibility criteria and to apply, please see the policy and application form attached below or contact Mr Pandya (Head of Sixth Form) or the school finance department on  


16-19 Tuition Fund

The 16-19 tuition fund is ring-fenced funding for schools for the provision of 16 to 19 education, to mitigate the disruption to learning arising from Covid-19.

The school's funding statement is attached below.