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Pinner High School is a learning-based community with high aspirations for all. We provide a first-rate personal, inclusive education, through a tried and tested curriculum carefully supported by individual pastoral care. Students have the opportunity to excel in and out of the classroom, on the sports field, on the stage, and in the community, enjoying a wealth of enrichment opportunities. 

The school brings life to the motto ‘Inspiring Learning’.  A great deal of this comes with the exceptional everyday experiences students expect with our first-class staff. It also demonstrates the responsibility our young people will have as Pinner High School students to make a commitment to inspire others. We will equip our students with an understanding of themselves, an appreciation of the world around them and a desire to innovate and solve problems as active contributors to society. 

Our curriculum is a key way of meeting these objectives. It has been designed to meet the needs of each individual student, providing opportunities which stretch and excite. At all junctures, the national curriculum for all subjects is covered, and we build on this foundational knowledge to offer learning that extends beyond the national curriculum.  

Curriculum Plans


Key Stage 3 

At Key Stage 3, our curriculum is both broad and balanced, ensuring that students not only cover the national curriculum but go beyond it. We place a strong emphasis on core subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, Modern Foreign Languages (MFL), Computing and Humanities whilst balancing a strong emphasis on creative subjects. This comprehensive foundation paves the way for students to access the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) in Key Stage 4, while also nurturing an appreciation for the arts.

PSHE is taught discretely with dedicated curriculum time and during form periods. This provides a varied and engaging approach alongside the curriculum opportunities for students’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development.


Key Stage 4

Students will be guided through their GCSE option choices. Parents will be invited to school for a presentation on the GCSE curriculum and students will have an individual meeting with their Form Tutor. A senior teacher will be available for ‘drop-in’ appointments with parents at a designated time so that students and families are fully supported with this process. 

The Key Stage 4 curriculum is broad and balanced, as every student will follow the core curriculum of English, Maths, Science and PE and PRE. Students with appropriate prior attainment are encouraged to study a Modern Foreign Language, a Humanities subject and 2 further choices so that they are eligible for the English Baccalaureate. 

The school fulfils PSHE requirements through dedicated time in the curriculum, assemblies and form time, which also promote British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. This helps students develop self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence, enabling students to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England. This also enables students to acquire a broad general knowledge of, and respect for, public institutions and services.

The school will preclude the promotion of partisan political views in the teaching of any subject and whilst students are involved in any school activity. The school fulfils Religious Studies requirements through Philosophy, Religion and Ethics and a focus on world religions during tutor time and assemblies.


Key Stage 5 (Years 12 and 13)

Pinner High School is part of the Harrow Sixth Form Collegiate. Please see the Sixth Form tab above for further information.

Further information

Detailed curriculum plans for each year group, subject by subject, can be found below.  If you require further information or have any queries, please do contact your child's Form Tutor, Head of Year or Subject Lead.

Detailed information about inclusions, our music development plan 24/25 and our school's careers programme can be found elsewhere in this "School Life" section of our website.