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Pinner High School is committed to ensuring that students from all backgrounds make the best progress that they possibly can.  We are committed to social mobility and ensuring that all of our students, regardless of background, have the highest aspirations and are supported to achieve their ambitions.  Please find below further information on Pinner High School's Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium strategy, and how the school plans to spend this grant.  There is also information from prior years about the Year 7 Catch Up Grant, Covid Catch Up Premium and Summer School funding.

The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding for schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged students of all abilities to close the gap between them and their peers.



The Recovery Premium was additional funding to support schools with education recovery following Covid-19.  The Department for Education discontinued this funding from September 2024.

Summer School Funding was provided by the government for secondary schools to deliver a short summer school during July and August 2021, with a focus on students transitioning from primary school into year 7, to support with missed education due to Covid-19.

The Covid Catch Up Premium was additional funding for the 2020-21 academic year to support students to catch up lost educational time due to Covid-19 related school closures.


The Department for Education discontinued the Year 7 Catch Up Grant following the introduction of the National Funding Formula.